Is this worth getting on ps5 now? have they fixed all the bugs? it's on sale

is this worth getting on ps5 now? have they fixed all the bugs? it's on sale

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>so desperate for games you'd considering getting that garbage

I'll never understand PS5 owners.

Nah, don't get it. You'd hate it.
That said, how did Bartmoss not completely rot away into nothing? And what's the deal with all these netrunners burning up? I thought the cyberdeck was supposed to handle all the processing.

seethe, cope, have sex etc

Just bought a cheap key. I think it is going to be garbage, it is just installing and I'm already regretting. Is it true it is full homo and all?

kek true

Full homo, uninstall it now and never look back.

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It's true. My friend bought GTA and Uncharted on his PS5 even though he's played multiple versions already. Dumb marks

Normalfags are so weird, pretty sure you can get a shitload of indie games on ps, yet he chooses to play more movie shit??


Idk I forgot who that is. But the reason they burn up is because hackers have quickhacks that can melt their circuits basically and since that shit is wired into their brain they combust like that.

Yup. He complains saying how there's "No games to play". You suggest to him a game older than 10 years old and looks at you like you got dog turds hanging out of your mouth. He even admits he bought the PS5 over FOMO despite being 30 years old. Normalfags are truly retarded

antiquated technology by 2077, all netrunners use brains for processing by that point.

It'll probably end up on ps+ extra/premium/whatever one day. I'm mildly interested but in no rush to play it so I'll just wait for that.

It's not worth getting at all. Buggiest piece of shit i've ever played. You get railroaded into quests and it is just not fun.

It probably won't go any lower before the expansion drops. So yes now is probably the best time for it.
Is it worth getting? The story is great. The gameplay can be good. The game is built around a deus ex style stealth level design. If you play like that it can be fun. There are usually multiple entries and exits to levels. Different ways you can accomplish it. CCTV and guard patrol routes etc.
It can be abysmally boring if you use guns blazing approach though.
There are some really nice mods but if you're playing on PS5 you won't get to use them I guess.
I think it's worth it for the story alone. It's fun. The city looks amazing but is boring and empty. Definitely worth it on sale at at least 50%.

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on sale sure, it's been like two something years it can't possibly be worse than at launch

The bugs are no longer game breaking but they are still definitely there. Just about Bethesda level jank.

Apart from that, it's a relatively short story with a mere handful of memorable side quests and load of brainless go-here-shoot-baddies-take-loot spread throughout the open world. The game looks spectacular and there are moments where it can be fun but it's mostly style, little substance and constantly feels like an inferior version of a game that was never made


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So it’s basically an Ubisoft game?

It is great

Thing is, I know what to expect from Ubisoft, play one Assassins Creed and you've played em all. The way CDPR hyped this up as the next coming of Christ lead to a justified shitstorm on release.

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The game has more substance than people give it credit for. The story is surprisingly heartfelt and deals with quite universal themes of death, legacy, loss, human consciousness etc.
One of the things I liked the most about the storytelling is how natural it feels. Relationships are well done and all the Side Jobs tie into the main story in meaningful ways.
People don't talk enough about the conspiracies of Night City either (probably because no one actually played the game to completion). There's a ton of stuff hidden just below the surface of the city and it contributes a lot to the mood of the game for me.
It's still a total mess of a game and not at all what was promised from the start but I enjoyed my time with it.

I spent 12€ for it, it is installing, will I have at least a good time doing the story?

If you have experience with eurojank and can accept that the game isn't at all what it was hyped up to be, then probably.
The thing that bothered me the most was ironically the voice acting of male V, which is a shame since he has access to the best romance option in the game.

I don't mind eurojank. I have no expectation. I just want a nice story and somewhat decent mechanics.

It's kinda fun to go in stealth and end the encounter guns blazing or sword slashing. Also like using quickhacks like grenade denotation and suicide. And lots of laser grenades. Recently downloaded a mod that lets my tech build craft drones, I send in a big-boy and just watch him go at it on the security cameras.

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