"Guess I'll call it a day"

"Guess I'll call it a day"
"Good ***ht guys"
*You are banned from this server*

Attached: wvqqk6g8z6r41.png (491x363, 333.62K)

It took me a second
Good job

It took me two seconds
Great job

took me a minute, what a complicated joke, good one, OP!

It took me 0 seconds
Decent job

I dont understand

I don't get it

Attached: ow.png (90x221, 24.89K)


Took me a couple of hours, I got a PhD

im not racist so don't understand

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand OP's joke.

Took me a full minute

took me until the heat desth of the universe
indescribable job

300 minutes in ms paint
Good one, OP!

Took me 1 second, then i just went HAM on my own face. Just smackin' the shit outta lil ole me.

Today you would get banned by some tumblrkin mod for sexism and "transphobia" for saying 'guys' before you got banned for racism by an automod.

>implying night is good
You got what you fucking deserved. dr8xpj

I play a could of Japanese games that have weird filters. Someone can go on a racist rant, as long as they don't combine three letters. They are always back the next day, and continue with their insanity.

good ***ht alt right
we won the culture war

diversity hires in charge of regular expressions

Reddit seems to be taking over this site in a rapid pace since friday, what the fuck is going on?

i didn't get it. mostly because i don't see the term nigger as derogatory. it's yet another word, power is given to it by people. the truth is that we are all equal, and the word nigger should mean nothing to any of us.

Racists are the understanding ones though irl?

Those are good posts. You are the Reddit

You're being pretty cringe right now