This is how you make a moral system, equal amount of content for every route...

This is how you make a moral system, equal amount of content for every route, everything else is just punishing the players for having different beliefs than you

Attached: infamous-2.jpg (768x432, 82.74K)

in all my time on this shitty board, i don’t think ive ever seen this franchise discussed

isn't punishing the players for having different beliefs than you the whole point of the AAA gaming industry?

I didn't care much for the system in infamous. The evil side consequences especially made no sense - yeah, people should hate you, but the fact that every asshole on the street was always willing to gather up and throw rocks at the guy who can and will rapid fire electric missiles at them was just stupid.

>Play dishonored
>Want to kill people
>Can't because it'll lock me in High chaos
I liked the game but this shit was mad gay

i remember the downgrade threads when retards shilled the ps4. I was single then and I'm single now.

>never play or buy dishonored
>game doesn't lock me in high chaos
>franchise dies
Ha, gottem!

I killed bunch of retards in my playthrough and still got good ending

>still can't be run on rpcs3
It's not fair bros, I dont want to pull out my ps3 for one game

Second son was a good game, especially for murdering civilians and causing super powered chaos.

Not quite prototype 2 levels but for a T rating it lets you slaughter a lot

I can't remember which side, but either villain or hero got a really bad power compared to the other at some point in the game. I think it was the villain. Whatever they got sucked.

Having moral systems in video games at all is fucking stupid.
Just do it like The Witcher, where there's only the consequences of your actions and nothing else.

honestly reputation systems are better than any "morality" system they've tried. it makes far more sense for you to be seen as "good" or "bad" by different groups for different reasons rather than attempting some hamfisted objective measure.

would it have not killed them to not make the amount of lethal options double the amount of nonlethal

Yup, that works too. Any 'Blue vs Red' or 'White vs Black' moral system in a game is a fucking stupid solution that 99% of the time results in the 'evil' dialogue options being a child's depiction of 'evil', a whiny faggot, or a petty asshole. There is almost no variation.

>hamfisted objective measure
That's kind of what reputation systems end up being, though.
>Hmm... well, he robbed six houses, provoked the mayor's emotionally unstable wife into suicide, and is considered a hero by our rival city state... but he also helped Old Man Thornton find his missing fishing pole, killed 8 Furbolg Shamans, and delivered a box from our innkeeper's sister.
>I guess we, all members of our faction, feel toward him... neutral.

i think Black Ops Cold War did the morality system quite well, you could side with the CIA, prevent total nuclear annihilation and get your character killed. or you could side with the soviets live, and see the western world destroyed. but on top of all that you actually had to work for it, can't wait to see what they will do with MW2.

Attached: Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War Screenshot 2020.11.20 - (3840x2160, 651.62K)

I personally believe morality systems are never good. Like, what's the fucking point of constantly giving players the option to choose between good and evil actions when the path players will take are chosen from the very start. InFamous and Kotor also suffer from the fact that if you don't go full evil or good you'll be weaker by consequence because you unlock the best abilities by going full to one side. So you'll never, ever willingly make the opposite choice on purpose. I personally would rather have a game that says "Hey, do you wanna be evil or good for this playthrough?" then just have you go through the game as that.

Then the game hits you with a choice that is somewhat morally grey, but the good and evil choices are still obvious because it says it's good or evil, which removes the reason for a morally grey option. Just saying.

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Its a good game and can't be pirated , this board only fear mongers and baits with games they can get for free since most of this site is full of indians.


New Vegas had the mechanic of tracking positive and negative reputations together instead of having them cancel each other out for reputation score. that way despite evening out to neutral reputation, "no good actions no bad actions" and "lots of good actions lots of bad actions" are different reputation states. the game barely did anything with that but it was a good idea