Why create an artificial labor caste that can resent their jobs and defect?

Why create an artificial labor caste that can resent their jobs and defect?

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Why did the world let a creatively bankrupt company acquire a niche, isometric franchise, run it into the ground and get away with it?

Indians let this happen

what's the point of being a god if you can't harass your creations

Because you can create them. You don't have to raise a child, you literally manufacture a functional adult from nothing.

because then I have to deal with them starting shit which while easy to put down is also annoying as fuck

Yeah okay but why are they produced in large scale quantities and used for labor?

Maybe it's hard to remove their self-awareness without making them straight up stupid and bad at their jobs.

if it was actually annoying they'd stop giving them sentience
they enjoy the drama of having to deal with them, gives them something to do

That's fucking retarded.

Institute is dumb, none of what they do makes sense.

isolation made them really fucking stupid and they have no relative comparison to realize it.
t. 10 int main

furthermore the children of atom contradict their human beings above ground are fucked hypothesis.

Fallout 3 & 4 were much more successful than Fallout & Fallout 2

I'm surprised no one is capturing those crazy fucks and isolating the gene that makes them immune to radiation.

Pleasure models are better that way.

This is why Shaun says you wouldn't understand

almost all of the tech heavy factions despise mutations
everyone was so happy when brotherhood appeared in 76 but not I I like my moonjump.

this is what happens when a man is raised without a father

Why did he make a little boy version of himself?
What was he going to do with it?

>I'm too constipated for you to understand

you fought like a psychopath to find him only for him to die, he is genuinely trying to give you the time you missed.
if you didnt do institute ending you probably won't get it. they're not evil, zimmer was evil but he is dead cause I killed him in fallout 3.

>Somehow sapience returned
Is this ever explained?

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They could just be ignorant, not having a dad doesn't mean you can't understand games that think more highly of you than they should

no they don't even have miniaturized transistors lol

That wouldn't make up for anything he knew his mother was killed and called it unfortunate

again he was bought up in isolation so he doesn't know that response is abhorrent. shaun is a 'player characters gender' boy
nora was canon survivor in the storytellers tapes. you can say they're not canon if you like but thats like saying nuka break isn't canon.