Dark Souls 2 has such a nice atmosphere...

Dark Souls 2 has such a nice atmosphere, I started it and it has a fucking kickass opening scene about going Hollow and losing yourself, then you're in a valley under the moonlight and I'm in more awe than with any ds3 level so far. DS3 was castle, village, castle, sewers and now this swamp with ruins of a castle. Here I feel in one of those nice fantasy worlds from an MMO

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>Dark Souls 2 has such a nice atmosphere, I started it and it has a fucking kickass opening scene about going Hollow and losing yourself, then you're in a valley under the moonlight and I'm in more awe than with any ds3 level so far. DS3 was castle, village, castle, sewers and now this swamp with ruins of a castle. Here I feel in one of those nice fantasy worlds from an MMO

Attached: EnD_NArVEAIUvSe.jpg (452x363, 30.65K)

That's unironically how if looks

>DS2 forcedr tannies have to lay in a coffin if they wanted to change gender


I love DS2

Was hoping It'd become an MMO like game somehow. Or they'd make one.

DS1 always on top

It’s the weirdest one of the Souls series because it doesn’t really feel or play like a souls game, but has the lore of it.

maybe someday we will have a ds2 thread that doesn't immediately compare it to ds3

>comparing it to DS3 is bad because... it just is, OK?

best theme in the franchise

The only thing I don't like about Dark Souls 3 is that it's Dark Souls 1. 2. Dark Souls 2 its very unique compared to the rest of the series. Feels more like a proper 3d Castlevania than a Souls game tho.

>Here I feel in one of those nice fantasy worlds from an MMO
I want to immerse myself in a world like that, but not in an MMO
Any recommendations?
Novels or tv series are welcome too

DeS > DS1 > DS2 >DS3

I can recognize that DS2 has the most flaws in the series, but the sheer style and presentation of it all makes up for it in my book. It's the best game in the series for someone who wants an adventure through many different lands and cultures, feels more like Deltora Quest or something than a Souls game and that's why I love it. Around every corner there's something new or hidden.

Attached: Deltora.jpg (1241x917, 520.15K)

>tried so hard to make it feel like an adventure
>all levels are so disconnected they might as well have used the Demons' Souls route

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If I started with elden ring would the other souls games feel unpolished in comparison to try out?

Nah, don't worry. Thankfully the entire series is an unpolished and blatantly unfinished mess just like Elden Ring so you can jump in anywhere.
I'm not joking at all.

I would say only DaS2 is the blatantly unpolished game. All the other games have rushed areas but nothing that takes too much to beat.

Which one is the hardest? Getting my ass kicked by Margit was refreshing. I'm at at point where my character feels too powerful and the challenge has died off.

All of them are worth playing except ds2. Its awful.