Why would they make a third game when the second one was already running out of jokes?

Why would they make a third game when the second one was already running out of jokes?

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there must be at least 10 south park games. don't know where you get third one

pretty much the only reason why

They’re assuming it’s another RPG in the vein of Stick of Truth and Fractured But Whole, in which case it’d be the third game.

harvest moon but you play as randy and build your own epic tegridy farms.


Next one is gonna be cyberpunk,

They probably continuing The Stick of Truck/Fractured But Whole thing. Those were the best south park games anyway.

gacha. specifically anime

You know what I mean you fucking nigger, it's (supposedly) the third home console game by South Park Digital Studios.

id like if we got something like that hit and run rip off that got cancled back in the day.

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in the style of good times with weapons would be kino

The last games were very cool, I've almost shit myself several times, kek

Other was made by obsidian and other by ubisoft san francisco

stick of truth is unironically better than any jrpg the last decade

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ninjas and martial arts mother fucker!

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better than any rpg since 2012, it was such a treat

Stick of Truth was actually amazing, but when they released "But Whole" it wasn't funny at all. It was more cringe.

It kinda was.
It was legit fun. It was a short but sweet SMRPG clone, while keeping the good Southpark humor intact. Kinda short but it didnt overstay its welcome like so many games do noawadays.

Hope they return with the paper Mario combat

I was not a fan of the fractured but whole gameplay and how they gutted status effects

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Either this or little crime stoppers. An actual full mystery with a bunch of other smaller cases as the side quests.

maybe a remaster of the ps1-n64 era?

This would be sick

You guys think it made money enough to push for a 3rd game? I thought it would take too much effort for the result.

Yeah, I don't like the grid system too much. It was okay but I hope they do something different. I wonder if they're going to do a more action oriented approach. Cyberpunk and Elden Ring were big titles these last few years, I wonder if they'll mimic something like that but with the ideas others proposed here.

They should just do an original idea rather than limiting themselves to imitating something the show already did, that's what Stick of Truth did and it worked way better.

Fractured Butthole had better jokes than Stick of Truth, but the gameplay sucked.

am I the only one who thinks the tegredy farms shit was never funny

Stick of Truth was essentially the LotR episode mixed with one of the later trilogies. I can't really remember what it was at this point but there was for sure a trilogy in the show that had the fantasy setting.