If this game isn’t in your top 10 best games of all time, you must not like video games

If this game isn’t in your top 10 best games of all time, you must not like video games.

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Bloodborne is.

Tell me this is your first Fromsoft game without telling me this is your first Fromsoft game.

Great game, but too forgettable. I've played previous Souls games multiple times going through NG+ a ton. Elden Ring is the first Souls game I don't want to NG+ because of how big it is. I went NG3 and then dropped it.


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Yeh you spend at least 2 hours collecting upgrade materials for your flask then doing the shit to build your character, all bosses NG is around 30 hours but combat is too boring to be worth the effort.

I haven't played it I'm poor and impatient

It isn’t and I’ve played more games than you. Kill yourself.

Could have been a lot better without all the souls tropes and dodge roll combat hindering it's potential, it's fine as babies first souls game but too fucking stale for people who played all previous games.

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It's not even in my top 50

I agree, it's damn good.

Sorry, I have taste, and Elden RIng such as any other Fromsoft product is literally the Cowadoody of the RPG genre, only fit for consumption by mouthbreathing normalfags who somehow deluded themselves into thinking 1-button combat is peak gameplay.

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>too fucking stale for people who played all previous games.
That's weird. Elden Ring is the only one with working online...

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Bad b8

Game gets boring once you learn the meta.
Step 1. Get gold fowl foot and bleed weapon for greyoll, get 100k souls and soreseal
Step 2. Get meta weapon like moonveil/greatsword/meteorite staff and rot dog summon
Step 3. Solo 70% of content while collecting flask upgrades and smithing stones along the way

Game was fun the first few times though

For now.

It's good. Honestly all the soulsborne games are really good. My top 10 (not sorted) is, Dark Souls Trilogy, Bloodborne, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, and Sekiro.

You will never get what you are imaging as long as they keep PvP in their games, look at Sekiro, the only FromSoft game since souls that does not have PvP, the moment, speed, combat and possibilities are endless because they dont have to worry about the cancer netcode or any PvP shit.

They need to stop with the PvP bullshit already, let the Dark Souls series and ER be the PvP games and focus on transforming the combat to a higher level

>my top ten
>lists seven games

I haven't played it yet so how can it be in my top 10?

Figures. After death, the corpse of this pathetic medium starts to bloat with these awful "open world" games.

I have better taste than liking open world garbage that ruined a potentially decent videogame.

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