Play Samurai Shodown

It is getting rollback now.

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I wish it rolled back into its grave instead.

The only thing rolling back into a grave is you, tranny.

Weak comeback, chud

but I'm bad at it.

Well it's there sure

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Try well into next year.

they only SAY it has rollback, how're you gonna know?

I've always found funny how coomers constantly post about fighting games (due to the hot bitches) but they literally don't play the games, to the point where there are vastly more people on a fighting game (coomer) thread than actual simultaneous players on Steam.

Coomers post about everything, they don't make fighting games more dead than they would be without them.

Nobody on Any Forums plays video games. Way to out yourself as a newfag.

Fighting games would still be dead with or without coomers, explain who Evo can have literally 100k plus viewers yet a fighting is game lucky to metain sub 2k players even with Rollback

host a lobby

>100k plus viewers yet a fighting is game lucky to metain sub 2k players even with Rollback
Man it's really fucked up when you put it that way. It's not like this is football, where you need to active and have teams to play. You just pick up a controller and get busy, most of these games have auto-combos and in-depth tutorials anyways.

I don't know, maybe people that don't play meming these games as ludicrously hard and posting shit like Ivy's Summon Suffering has done more harm to the genre than people realize. Somehow shit like Dota, Counterstrike/Valorant, and Apex are able to really, really take off. The latter might have more intuitive controls, but you can get mercilessly shit-stomped game after game in all of them.

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>play game when i feel like playing game
>dont play game and post shit when i dont feel like playing games
its a hard concept for you?

I will, user
you convinced me

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>Victory Gundam
Holy shit what a chad.

When is the update actually coming?

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Next year we just don't know when exactly

Maybe a gif/webm involving this maid could convince me of buying the game.

>character model so good you can jerk off to in-game screenshots
We truly live in a blessed age.

And I'm pretty sure spring 2023. I don't how the fuck it takes that long to get this shit underway, but it's something.

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nah this game sucks ass

How am I supposed to play a fighting game with 1 hand? Doesn't make any fucking sense.

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How is Basara? I liked him in V-special

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Come back after it actually has it.

Fellini was the best character in the show.

This isn't the godsend you were lead to believe it is.

>rollback for this shit game
who cares, even if you like samsho vsp already has it and has had it for a while.

>>character model so good you can jerk off to in-game screenshots
I already do that with SFV and Tekken 7

I hardly ever see anyone use him so probably average?

You almost got it... it is like football where you need something to play, football you need a team, fighting games you need 3-10 hours before you even understand what your doing. A normal person will look at the 180 moves everyone has in tekkn and say "nah"

fuck you, SS 2019 is better and more than that old shit

Nu samsho has the advantage of being actually new

>fighting games you need 3-10 hours before you even understand what your doing
This is unironically what keeps fighting games from getting anymore potential players than what they're currently pulling in. You can literally go in with a low, mid, and jumping combo and go to town in any fucking game. You don't have to start with 10+ hit combos, just normal -> command -> special -> super is fine. Everyone that doesn't play loves to fucking act like everyone started out spending ten hours in a hyperbolic time chamber before playing casual matches.

Fucking Christ.

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Nobody ever said that, people just want to play online without having to worry about teleporting asshats