
So who won Rex's first card?

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Nia probably pounced on his ass. Those eared girls are nothing but whores.

I still can't wrap my head around this, this is a straight up endorsement of polygamy right? How did this get past Nintendo?

The pendulum is swinging back

>That look on Zeke's face when he realizes he'll have to let Rex pound his waifu if he ever wants to have kids

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Abe won

He cloned himself then did it all at the same time

Now that's what I wanted.

He grew 2 more dicks and fucked all 3

I love Rex!

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Nintendo's always been very supportive of leftist ideals like open relationships and cuckoldry.




That natalism spewing old fart can rot in the ground.

It was group sex, they were all impregnated the same night, Pyra probably got the first load though. Maybe Nia because she was so thirsty. Mythra definitely went last because of tsun and fracrured poor Rex's pelvis with her gorilla pounding once she got into it.

>they all give birth around the same if not the same exact time.
>how is their NOT doujinshi of their foursomes yet?
He creampied all three. He had loads of semen for them, literally more test than Hentai protags who never get anyone pregnant.

*there not their lol

The main pairing of Xenoblade 3 is the most monogamist pairing ever so it balances out


What did he mean by this?

It´s so monogamist Noah´s only love rival is himself.
