What's a good Aeon of Strife-type game (dota-like, lol-like...

What's a good Aeon of Strife-type game (dota-like, lol-like, moba) that's barely talked about or never recommended in Any Forums?

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That Warcraft 3 map with blood theme. I think it was called Tides of Blood. There was also another decent Dota clone map for warcraft 3. I can't remember the name but the abbreviation was LOL, which for obvious reasons, makes finding it near impossible.


they were my favorite type of wc3 custom game, and i played a FUCKTON of them, and i genuinely dont remember a "LOL".

tide of blood
champions of durance
enmity campaign
rise of winterchill
advent of the zenith
desert of exile

those were the ones i played.
lanepushinggames has "land of legends" listed as a thing.


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awesomenauts used to be pretty fun but I haven't played it in like 8 years.

>New games in the genre still being released in 2021
>Each with 0 players

There's something sad about the whole thing. People only play dota and lol and maybe hots, but so many studios have tried their hand at it to no success2xwkd

i've also heard of literally zero of them, so they arent exactly marketing well either.

The population shrank, but the game is overall still the same, "Everyone is ridiculously overpowered and can nuke you if you underestimate them and games boil down to who gets more picks most of the time."

none, don't fall for forced 50% scams

battlerite could have been good but eh it is dead

I think Dota 2 is probably the best one

Naruto Wars was a cool clone of DotA
Imbalanced, of course.

There are no good ASSFAGGOTS

The rook was my nigga

I liked that one spaceship moba custom map that was in SC2

genre plagued by MTX

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Why doesn't hoodtwink change?

player isn't using cosmetics

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Battle Tanks