Monster Hunter - How The Fuck Do I Use This Weapon Edition

Tell me about the lance. Why does he wear the shield?
Also how the shit do I use this thing?

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I do not understand frontier earth style lance. Is it just shit? No counters?

You attack with the lance and block with the shield. Often times you also punch monster with the shield

do this

Give me baby steps. Assume it's the first time I ever picked the thing up. Something about the weapon just doesn't quite feel right, but I don't know what it is. It feels good to guard with the sword and board, so I figured the lance would expand upon this, but it somehow doesn't work for me.

After getting quick sheathe 3 and unlocking sunbreak switch skill swapping longsword went from unplayable turd to the most fun fucking weapon I've had the pleasure of using while playing this game. I wish someone taught me the secret to enjoying switchaxe and charge blade.

>ask how to use a weapon
>weapon users come out of the woodworks
every time

counter on one scroll and recharge on the other when needed
build your entire set and gameplan around doing big explosions

LS is one the funnest weapons for sure but they nerfed the damage so it's doo doo now. You have to perfectly time your openings for the charged sheathe every time + have the best equipment and decos + not get tripped by hammer troons. And after all that you're doing the same DPS as the average HBG shitter who just picked up the game.

>build your entire set and gameplan around doing big explosions
SnS is fine, it's the axe mode I have trouble with. I feel like I never really get opportunities outside of big openings (topple, sleep, traps) to spend my phials. Everything feels like it locks me in place too long.

>not get tripped by hammer troons.
have you LS retards not heard of brace jewels?

Hammer doesn't give a shit about brace on big attacks. It will knock you and launch you anyway.

What do I do bros.

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iceborne is too hard

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heres what you do in the simplest terms
get that alternate guard dash switch skill equipped, i forget what it is but it was the 'valor' guard dash in GU.
go up to a monster, attack as much as you are safe to, if it looks like its going to do litterally anything, do the guard dash, it has block properties and can immediately go into a 3-stab-combo again, or be spammed repeatedly if you wait a moment between each guard dash.
if you want to infinite combo, stab stab stab gaurdash stab stab stab guardash, etc. the guard dash can also reangle you any direction mid-combo so its incredibly easy to stay safe or stay locked on to the part you want to hit.
If you play online, i recommend evade extended to catch up to the monster when it aggros on someone else. Everything beyond this, go fuckin nuts and figure it out yourself and find what fits you, but this should make rise lance piss easy for you my man

I can't go back to World/IB after all the cool spiderman shit introduced in Rise.

>need to waste slots or augments so hammer tranny can spam unga bunga on tail instead of head
and I say this as an LS+Hammer enjoyer

>guard dash
Damn, I should really give it a try. I tested it out on the dummy in the village and it's really snappy.

you should always be running one if you're doing multiplayer, otherwise you'd get stunlocked by longsworders

Start by poking monsters, usually the high poke
After you poke 3 times, hop or shield tackle (switch skill on rt+y) to reset your poke count and keep poking
If you see monster winding up attack, block or use your various counter options if it's one without followup.
If monsters run far away, use spiral thrust (lt+b) or joust (rt+b+y) to get to it
Charged sweep (b+y) or leaping thrust (required guard dash switch skill, rt+y>b) are stronger damage options for bigger openings. There's a video about those rotations posted
Try to experiment a lot because lance's kit doesn't really have one superior option for all monsters, be prepared to swap scroll mid-hunt

you don't use axe mode, you find openings to go directly into your biggest moves instead

Yeah. As for playing without that, playing more like older lance, its not that different but just a fair bit slower and more considered, you can kinda just unga bunga your way to victory in complete safety in rise thanks to the valor guard dash. It was in GU as i said but the input was kinda messy if i recall correctly so it wasn't nearly as good to do.

can you repeat this but in playstation inputs? I don't speak xnigger

I was playing Monster Hunter 3rd on psp with english patch 8years ago, for like 50hours and that was great. I've tried MH World year ago, and I didn't like it. SO.... now im thinking about going back to MH games. I have n3ds XL so imma play MH3U or MH4U. is 3u worth it? or should i skip it?

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>game is released unfinished
>the rest of the game is dripfed over a year

I heard there’s a guild card award for completing a level 100 investigation. Is that as high as they go?

>xbox: a, b, x, y
>praystation: SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, CROSS (formerly x) HURRR

Yeah, I have no idea what buttons you're referring to when you say xyab rt lb or whatever. Can you translate?

I don't get openings to do the regular axe attacks let alone SAED. I don't remember the last time I toppled a monster with charged sword attacks from phial impact.

A: cross
B: circle
Y: triangle
X: square
RB/LB: R1/L1
RT/LT: R2/L2
Could've googled it but there you go.

you can use counter peak performance to counter attack with a SAED, just get used to the monster's moveset

It's just old school Lance dude not much to say. Probably one of the best Earth styles too

>already aborted the all mother and fucked the giasmagussy
>everything else is just bonus content
seems complete to me

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Start by poking monsters, usually the high poke
After you poke 3 times, hop or shield tackle (switch skill on r2+triangle) to reset your poke count and keep poking
If you see monster winding up attack, block or use your various counter options if it's one without followup.
If monsters run far away, use spiral thrust (l2+O) or joust (r2+triangle+O) to get to it
Charged sweep (O+triangle) or leaping thrust (required guard dash switch skill, r2+triangle>O) are stronger damage options for bigger openings. There's a video about those rotations posted
Try to experiment a lot because lance's kit doesn't really have one superior option for all monsters, be prepared to swap scroll mid-hunt

Hopefully I got that right. I could never wrap my head around those dumb rtrbltlb and since Nintendo, Dreamcast and Xbox share letters for the face buttons but in different order it's a jumble in my head.

Top 3 MH games?

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