Where we dropping boys

Where we dropping boys

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I'm a man for Paper.
I also always choose Grass starters.


Paper, obviously. Scissorfags are brainlets and Rockfags are metaslaves

>no Green option
shit game

I'll just pick whatever big man is picking because I refuse to pick 6head's choice

t.fivehead simp

Shiver is elegant and gets my dick hard.
Frye is fugly.
Big Man is the reddit pick and can't even talk properly.
You know who.

Do it for him.

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>Ukrainian flag

Attached: 099.png (600x860, 425.81K)

thats romania you fucking idiot

Attached: romania.png (356x134, 77.63K)

Probably scissors because it’s a peace sign and I think that’s cool.


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built for KFC

My gut instincts tell me to go paper.

Because if the other cunt pulls paper you're already in position to punch her in the face.

Attached: fistCatch.jpg (350x385, 15.77K)

Most people will pick rock because of the Bart Simpson meme, so that team will be full of shitters other than that I don't think people really care and I assume more people like Bigman than Frye, so paper seems like the one that's more likely to win.

Paper, you need an open hand to pet Frye after all
This user gets it

>implying you've got a sweet enough moustache to pull it off