Where did the meme of Yuka Kitamura being bad come from? She's the best composer Fromsoft has right now...

Where did the meme of Yuka Kitamura being bad come from? She's the best composer Fromsoft has right now, most of her DS3 tracks are awesome (and she made like 905 or all of the DLCs soundtrack), half of her Elden Ring tracks as well and the ones that aren't at least work well for the context, and she managed to make Sekiro's soundtrack work very well even though she had no experience with traditional old-ass japanese instruments.

Elden Ring's soundtrack is underwhelming half because there are too many recycled bosses that needed way too much music to be composed quickly but also because she wasn't more prominent on it.

The quality the other composer's put out is more inconsistent even if they drop a banger sometimes, the average Elden Ring song sadly isn't that good and enything Yuka didn't compose in DS3 gives me cancer and aids.

Do not reply to this thread if you are one of those fags who thinks all music in souls games sounds the same.

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Haven't beat the entirety of Elden Ring yet but so far the soundtrack is vastly underwhelming.
Only decent track is the godskin theme, and i'm at the giant's mountains or whatever that snowy area is called.

I'm surprised they didn't stick with Kitamura considering how fitting her work was in DS3, hell, the only soundtrack she makes in DS2 blows all the rest of the game's tracks into the water


Leyndell's BGM is banger, made by Kitamura.

Ancestral spirit's theme is really atmospheric and stands out from the rest, made by her too

Malenia's theme is a banger, made by Kitamura as well...

there are more examples, she tried to salvage it, she really did.

There are theme's like Maliketh's that could be really good but are drowned by too much fucking noise and feel like listening to gibberish when you are playing, the roundtable hold's theme is calm but doesn't sound good and should have been replaced by the chracter creation theme, and Radahn's theme was a huge fucking dissapointment, his bossfight would feel much more memporable with a good soundtrack given how visually spectacular it is, something similar to Yhorm's theme might have worked...

they already peaked with bb with OST like the first hunter, ludwig the holy blade, maria of the astral clocktower, father gascoigne etc etc. That being said there are quite a few good ones in elden ring like mohgs theme, fortissax and placidusax's themes, ancestral spirit and godrick.

She was the worst composer out of the five in Bloodborne. Her tracks start off well enough but they have a tendency to devolve into just noise.
Suzuki is the best Souls composer. He made Ludwig, One Reborn and Living Failures in Bloodborne. That is an amazing track record.

Who's the one who made the main theme and made sure that it called back to Demon's Souls main theme? I wanna shake their hand.

Don't care much for one reborn but Ludwig and living failures are great, many people have problem's with Kitamura's tendency to make her tracks really loud sometimes, for example, Lady Maria's BGM is great at first but then it gets way too intense and never calms down, however this isn't the case always and I think in general her DS3 track record is real good and even the unused songs she made are of quality, I still believe she's a good asset and her work in Bloodborne doesn't represent how good she is now, at least I can be very confident saying she's real good with the cello and piano.


Godfrey's theme had a lot of composer's behind it and is great as well.


Because Sekiro and Elden Ring have two of the most forgettable OSTs of any major game released in the past few years and she was the primary composer for both.

I don't know who she is but 3's tracks dont have much range. It's usually all too loud and samey. The menu theme is just a horrible introduction when it's that fucking loud. It's the menu. Give me a break it doesn't have to be that epic. Over compensating is how I describe 3's soundtrack.

Fun fact: He also wrote the lyrics to Jump Up Super Star! from Mario Odyssey.

Listen to this bros, especially the last one which you probably never heard

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DS3's main menu theme was supposed to be OG final boss theme before it was souls of cinder (yeah, DS3 had a bumpy development too). I agree it's not too good of an introduction, however 3's good tracks are really good and the DLCs have great tracks even for the shitty bosses, most of 3's bad tracks are on the first half of the game when fighting shitty ugly bosses like the curse-rotted greatwood which has a soundtrack that makes my ears bleed. Track's like the abyss watchers however... I don't see how anyone can think they are actively bad.

Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring are the only From games with good main menu theme lmao

>and the DLCs have great tracks even for the shitty bosses
>shitty bosses
No such thing

2's menu theme is beautiful, somber, and melancholic. Way more appropriate.

>npc with wolf
>other npc fight in ringed city
>not shit

DaS3 and ER's main menu themes are reddit incarnate and sound like parodies. The best one is Souls of Fire from DaS1.

Let me guess, Elden Ring also gave you spastic fits of rage

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The actual bosses are fine, these can be seen as "not actual bosses" because they are common NPCs with gimmicks but they still got the boss health bar and the cool music so I have to point out how much of a waste of space they are, shitty bosses.

Friede is one of the best human boss fights in gaming


Attached: 1481910492217.webm (960x540, 2.64M)

>PVEfags can't enjoy the PVP summon boss

Attached: Church Spear.png (752x1063, 1.3M)

>You hear this when playing the game the first time, the music of the first trailer: youtu.be/6R3ouGNcACQ

>You get to the final boss and it sounds like this: youtu.be/fi0NxuDUuv4

>It's all connected because this is the theme of the Elden Ring's shattering and the grace of the greater will

You call anything that's good "reddit" because you don't like anything and want to drag everyone down with you? You depressed fuck?

>So actually mindbroken he brags about summoning to get past her

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The gravetender has no online components and halflight relying on online summons to maybe be fun is bad because the same way you can have a good experience with a player that has a good connection and an interesting build you can also find obnoxious fucks using stupid spells and weapons or people who lag and kill you in a stupid way or die inmediately.

>Everything I don't like is Reddit
>trash song with 0 budget is le good because... it just is

Fromsoft soundtracks are always bland

>Everything I don't like is Reddit

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Nah I just don't enjoy it when bosses are literally copy pasted between games

My first From games were DS3, Sekiro, and then Bloodborne, before ER I tried out DS1 and... I just couldn't do it, I appreciate what the game did, creating a template for the games I enjoy so much now, but holy shit DS1 combat gives me cancer and ER combsa being just an evolution of DS3's isn't that bad even if I would have preferred something completely fresh, DS1 and DS2's feel has nothing to do with DS3's and ER's anyway so I don't get why anyone would be burned out before actually playing it?

>I don't get why anyone would be burned out before actually playing it?

Agree but it's a shame that ER ACTIVELY tries to burn you out by having so many caves and repeat bosses for no fucking reasons, I would have preferred to have just 3 medium mines with design thought pout into them in the entire world instead of like 15 small mines that bored me to tears by the time I did the 10th one and had unncessary bosses at the end that many times don't even make sense, ER is 1005 enhanced if you know where the good stuff is and where the bad stuff is, it's like eating a buffet but you are forced to eat the entire thing once you pick something, you better pick well how you spend your time in this game or you'll burn out easily.