Seriously, why do they keep forcing this shit in even obscure titles?

Seriously, why do they keep forcing this shit in even obscure titles?

Attached: 354564563453.jpg (765x345, 56.96K)

Because it’s what the creators wanted to do.

>And was assigned her to
The intellectual elite, everyone.



indie game devs?


at least this one has the accurate face where its obviously a man with long hair in makeup

Depression Quest.

Id be pretty upset if I did all that for a gender transition surgery and still came out looking like weird Al

You think propaganda is done only by corps?

You can turn backer soldiers off in the menu.

The game had a "they" option for a reason. The amount of random tranny pilots that it generates is fucking ridiculous too.
Shame really, the mercenary sandbox is actually pretty fun, even if they cant optimize the game for shit.

Somebody paid to have this OC put in the game.

Person who wrote this had a boner as they typed

Looks like Battletech/Battletranny

Its called gender euphoria bigot.


That's a kickstarter backer character. When you sell that sort of stuff when fundraising you have to accept that your game will be full of garbage.

Game also has a lesbian muslim amputee as your tech

This is why you NEVER let your backers contribute freeform to your game development.

at least it actually looks like a tranny

>the drawing is still clearly a man
>even in their wildest fantasies they can't pass
jej so hard rn

Attached: zr4sshyp10j11.png (459x294, 223.45K)


That's what's so cringy about troons demanding representation in games. It's a fucking video game dude, just play as a woman. It's the only way you'll ever pass anyway.