This happened 9 years ago

This happened 9 years ago.

Attached: 05-21Mattrick_Web.jpg (1200x800, 81.24K)

He warned the world of the future to come
Now we have actual SINGLEPLAYER games with Online DRM

It's almost been a decade and Xbox still hasn't even remotely recovered, Mattrick really did ruin a brand in a single hour

he looks like a cryptokike I used to go to school with. proof gay ming has been (((infiltrated))) for many years now.

I lives on a farm and my internet was so shit that I could go days without a connection. That E3 made me not by an Xbox One, even after they walked it back.

xbox still has not recovered

He's a Leaf

I was there with Any Forums bros... So much fun was had

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it's legitimately sad how hard he sabotaged the xbox and it was still the best console of its generation

they had so many chances, i honestly don't know why they keep fucking up

At least it made them try harder this time
The games drought he instated is a hole Xbox STILL hasn't recovered from

Matrick didn't start the games drought. Xbone had more games at launch than the series x right now.

He let almost every big third party publisher that Microsoft worked with go away
The Xbone had more games at launch but past launch it was utterly pathetic
Thanks to making no moves the only noteworthy things to come out of Xbox the entire gen were Forza Horizon and Ori

I love this picture so much.
It's such a perfect image, the best angle/framing/focus everything is just exactly what it needed to be.
Matrick's slightly off posture, his hand lamely guiding towards the Xbox One, the vacant corporate expression and smile, the man blamed for a disaster pointing right at it like a child saying "I did that".

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At this point Xbox can never be a "global" brand like PS or Nintendo. Microsoft is literally too incompetent to fix it.

They fucking use machine translations for anything that isn't English and do 0 marketing outside of the US.

This is the biggest reason Xbox will never catch up to PS/Nintendo, because MS is only interested in the American market.

He also wrecked Lionhead and almost Rare too.

This shit still sold 51 million which is unbelievably high for what a fuck up it was

This is why American market

He was a Sony plant right?

Microsoft has a very bad habit of being correct years before the trend comes to take place.

They were absolutely right, the majority of fucking retards buying consoles for the past few years are literally poor fucking troglodytes who want to run Fortnite, Warzone and Apex (all which are always online games). No one bothers going to game stores anymore, everything is digitally purchased.

They were right about mobile and everything being one device years before iPhone as well but they are shit on design, presentation and attention to detail so Android beat them out of what should have been a natural position in the market for them

Even besides that there was other huge fuckups. The mandatory camera, MS closing a bunch of first party studios, basically completely pulling out of Japan, being a lot weaker than the PS4 but being $100 more.

but the Xbox One was forcing always online at a time before the 'benefits' of being always online was a thing. Back then always online meant I can't play Diablo 3 offline for no reason other than fuck you, now it means I get a new battle pass and new content at a frequent basis.

>just buy a xobx360

how can you fuck this shit up ?

Phil Spencer isn't much better.

His whole gimmick is to be a "nice guy" but isn't actually doing anything. Xbox exclusives release in blatantly unfinished states, he's buying dozens upon dozens of studios and yet there is not a SINGLE Xbox exclusive game slated for release in 2022, Xbox showcases have become centered on Game Pass shovelware from fucking indie devs, 343i is still a complete embarrassment and let Halo Infinite die, games like Scalebound and Phantom Dust were cancelled under him

Attached: fail spencer.jpg (480x360, 20.77K)

Water cooler!

And he would be seen as a visionary now and nobody would bat an eye

Unironically ahead of its time

Yeah, they need to get back Peter Moore.

the benefit was supposed to be "you can sell your digital games"
i would have been a shitshow mind you, yet kinda groundbreaking for all digital products