Natural. Atmospheric. KINO

Natural. Atmospheric. KINO.

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very true and based.

1 was better

2 was better.
>t. beat every dungeon without losing a single Pikmin

3 was worst

First game was better.
The time limits removal was a mistake.
They should have kept it in and made it harder in 2.
Also every character but Oliver is ugly, an unlikeable asshole or both.

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Shut up, Louie is great.

3 captains was just too many. Still a good game tho

Never played this before. Is the GC or the Wii version comfier? I liked Metroid Prime and Twilight Princess's pointer controls.

GC one is perfectly serviceable. I had no problem with the pointer controls on Pik3 but I never felt like I needed them while playing Pik1 or Pik2

am I the only one who doesn't like the underground caves?
for me the whole appeal of pikmin is exploring this huge open level day by day, the randomized cave levels are the antithesis of that

It's shit. Ground level levels are small and uninteresting. Caves are rehashed garbage and the game is 80% caves.

I liked the first one better. Currently playing the second and just about to drop it. Might just skip straight to 3.

You're not the only one. All these caves are about to make me drop the game.

Where the FUCK is Pikmin 4? And no, stop spreading misinfo about it being Hey Pikmin, Miyamoto clarified it wasnt 4 at E3 2017

Pikmin 2 Pikmin best

I'm going through pikmin 3 and just did the level where you discover the yellow pikmins. Tips?

Fucking loved these games as a kid.

Wish Nintendo would get their inspiration back. I feel they need to select better game designers in this new wave

open world pikmin game when?


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Arlo killed the fanbase for this series.

I miss the GameCube days bros. I don't care what those knuckle dragging fags said about it. Those games were worth it.

I really like all the games of the series, but I have serious trouble with Pikmin 2 and 3 world building.

Pikmin 2 had these dungeon crawl design dungeons that didn't really make sense, it was great from a game design perspective, but not great if you consider the world building.

The time didn't pass inside it, the caves repeated themselves. Honestely it felt like they just did a hack job to connect a bunch of ideas.

As for Pikmin 3, while pretty much perfect, went with this post pangea planet and retconnect the onions from an organic thing into this mechanical thing that was one size fits all for pikmins onions. I really, really didn't like it. They should have left as many onions as needed. Also, Pikmin 2 should have special onions for the purple and white Pikmins.

Again, these are more like world building stuff, but Pikmin 1 got everything perfect. It feels like they lost some of their touch. I haven't played the 3DS until I beat it, but it doesn't even feel like Pikmin.

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does anyone else find pikmin as a whole extremely boring?
I love the way it looks and I like the concept on paper, but in practice the gameplay feels so uninteresting