Lost Ark

What the fuck happend? This was supposed to save the mmo genre. Even well respected streamers like Asmongold liked it and yet today it doesnt even scratch 100k concurrent players?

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did onmly chinks and eurorats play this? i never heard of this.

We said it would fail. That's all.

>This was supposed to save the mmo genre.
It was worse than new world.

>today it doesnt even scratch 100k concurrent players?
>posts image which disproves this

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Because it's a garbage game
Garbage game, garbage uninspired lore, uninspired enemies, garbage looking equipments, most shit is sold as skins
Just another literal who korea MMO who got shilled by amazon

But you are always wrong like Dobson

Lost ark?More like lost ACK

>uninspired enemies
this is the dumbest complaint I've ever seen for an mmo.

also the only time I've seen this complaint for anything but action games (nier auto)

It's just too much at once. There's literally so much going on/to do and no matter how you try to pitch it, you end up feeling like you're either cheating or being cheated by the game when you reach end game because you skipped so much content and still have dozens of avenues to pursue.

It needed to be trimmed in the endgame and possibly even permanently so. They knew this was the case in principle but for some retarded reason they thought trimming the class selection down to Eastern launch levels was the right answer. Maybe it was just easier from a development perspective, but it did nothing to alleviate that feeling of walking into a city with 80 quest markers and 40 different types of vendors on Day 60. Most new players hit cap and immediately are inundated with more than a dozen things to do with no indication as to which of them matter depending on what you enjoy about the game.

Also leveled PVP playing fields or cool and all but PVP without meaningful progression is a deadend in 2022, people expect to be grinding a metagame in PVP games.

it was a heavily botted game from the start, player numbers have been diving heavily since they released Argos. People saw that smilegate/amazon had no intention of actually getting players to the raiding ilvl and instead forced everyone to go through the equivalent of 1 or 2 months of daily chores of NO new unlockable content in order to start Argos (1370 ilvl).

This is ontop of the fact that the game is utterly forgettable outside of the raid bosses in the legion raids - all the systems surrounding the boss fights are time wasting mobile gaming daily log in bait.

>dopamine slot machine

It's probably made by some jealous Wow/ff14/gw2 tranny.

It's a blatant money milking farm. Either you grind shit for months to reach high gear level or you pay way more money than a monthly subscription would require.

This is so weird to read. Someone actually asking for *less* content and *more* grinding.

Koreans will never save the mmo genre. It's just not in their nature

MMO is a dead genre

it's time to come to terms with it

it's not it's fault either, that was just the evolution of the internet entertainment, though blizzard could have done more to prolong it's heyday instead of fucking up, it was inevitable

That's still too many, should be lower

>Chinese people took it over
>People randomly perma banned
>Game just isnt very good
>Shitty top down gameplay

Theres alot of things that lead it to being shit

I don't think that's the case, considering how many people always jump onto a new MMORPG release. Even complete garbage like Tower of Fantasy is getting ridiculous concurrent player numbers compared to any other genre outside of maybe battle royales. There is absolutely a very large audience that wants a good, new MMORPG, but they're all shit.

>People randomly perma banned

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>want to play as a caster?
>you have to be a woman
that's all it took for me to uninstall

>Shitty top down gameplay
This game is so shit in many ways but this is not one of them. If you dont like it then its just not your thing and shut the fuck up. Being topdown makes the game very clear which is important for raid bosses. In other mmos like FF14 it becomes a fiesta of VFX.

>This was supposed to save the mmo genre
>p2w korea grinder number 584

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I agree but the remaining players got hooked by the gear progression where you need to do really tiresome dailies with each of your alts. It's sad because the game has literally nothing to offer aside from legion raids.

>this is the dumbest complaint I've ever seen for an mmo.
You literally have people in the credits of games whose entire occupation is "enemy designer" or "monster designer". In RPGs having unique enemies matters and helps to differentiate your game from others.
Not just applicable to action games, see Breath of Fire series for some good enemy/boss designs.
This is the dumbest thing I've seen someone NOT get mad about. Enemy designs are a highly integral part of matching the overall theme in level designs.

it looks and plays like a mobile game, i uninstalled it after 10 hours.