No steam no buy

no steam no buy

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*nods respectfully towards you*

>Pirates the GoG version anyways.

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>pirate everything
>user how come you don't have a steam account?
>I-I don't play video games

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>video games

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no buy

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pirating video games is not a personality

>no gog no buy

>he thinks he "owns" digital content

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a bloo bloo bloo

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>he thinks he "owns" physical content

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it's morally okay to pirate a video game if you can't legally buy it from anywhere. Second hand markets are immoral, according to corporations, so that's not an option.

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>>he thinks he "owns" physical content

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neither is buying them
buykeks will defend this

>no physical DRM free/offline no buy

This guy is so based

Not really, just
>fuck EGS
>fuck having a dozen programs for all my games
Independently offered and playable games are fine.

>worrying about morals
AAA today is expensive soulless garbage that treats their paying customers like shit
You SHOULD be pirating games, except good indie games

>he thinks

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>he does ANYTHING at all

>only have dota and csgo on his steam acc

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Fuck steam for making launcher a norm


