How often do we turn off our PC?

Attached: r9Thk.png (647x556, 96.84K)

You don't.

I usually only keep it on overnight if I'm rendering something in Blender. Other than that, there's not much need for me to use up electricity if I'm not awake.

get the fuck outta my house

When I'm not using it.

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When my wife's son's boyfriend's husband's wife's son tells me it's time to come buy him a new iPhone.

Last time I turned it off was like two months ago

last time it was 60+ hours so never


i know what to do
basically look for fast boot on your MOBO or windows settings and turn it off, then restart
that's all you need

never. at idle my pc draws like 50w at the socket so i don't care about leaving it on all the time.

Attached: every night.jpg (1147x653, 85.51K)

13:15:59 up 2 days, 5:13, 3 users, load average: 0.26, 0.22, 0.28
IIRC I had to reboot because my wifi stayed disconnected after a sleep cycle.

Usually hold the power button to shut it down lmao

Attached: 3qRhQUX.png (178x57, 1.28K)

change your power settings, turn off fast boot.
that's all you need

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I've read about turning off fast boot before, is it really worth it? My SSD containing windows is pathetically tiny and I can save like 12gb by disabling fast boot.

Of course. Don't care that adds wear on my SSD when booting it up, don't care that it's "cheaper" to leave it on than off/on. I turn my shit off when I'm not using it because not doing so shows you have no common sense and are an autistic sperg.


i cant answer that, I'm just saying how turn it off properly

Every night. Not sure if that's overkill, but I don't see the point of leaving it on.

Attached: Untitled.png (756x536, 26.73K)

been away from home for about 3 weeks(and counting) so here's a screenshot ssh'd from termux

Attached: Screenshot_20220811-232721_Termux.jpg (1434x241, 122.8K)