Millennial """"""humor""""""

>Millennial """"""humor""""""

Attached: 1660258678124.webm (720x720, 2.67M)

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this game is dead on arrival

Someone read this and thought "yeah this is what teenagers like"

at least make it a soundpost newfaggot bitch

Why did they overlay the text like that when the target audience can't read?

Millennials are approaching 30, bro.

Do you mean zoomers?

Ermmmm well I guess THATS a thing now??

>rated M for MATURE

looks fine to me

Nobody will buy this trash

>approaching 30
user, most millennials are in their 30s now.
The oldest ones have just hit their 40s.

why are studios modeling using actors and using mocap so much lately?
it's so fucking sovlless

Some jap went "the teens will love this" or some shit, I thought japan was like the most racist place in asia or some shit

who is the target audience for this?

do they have enough basedboys and women to buy this shit?

Attached: 1561045474044.jpg (1385x1369, 839.69K)

yaaaaaaaaaassss queen slaaayyyy

It's a15 year period retard

I really hope it bombs in a monumental way, it deserves it.

Last ditch pathetic attempt to find an audience for a game they know is failing

reminds me of bosskey marketing
trying to appeal to the zoomer audience.. they haven't figured out that competing with fortnite is impossible

SJW Millenials.

more like some dumb boomer woman in marketing that doesn't play video games

feels like 3 guys in their 30's made a game using unreal engine