Where's the fucking game you lazy hack?

Where's the fucking game you lazy hack?

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he's a giant westaboo, preasu undastando

stop being obsessed you fucking child.

They actually bother creating Japanese translations for western shows? I thought Japmans hate anything created by the white piggu and anything not tranime?

Blaaaam dudadu blaaawaam didadblam

This is what happens when you get all your information about Japan from Any Forums. They regularly watch American media, obviously not as much as their own.

How could he not know that was Tuco wtf. Unless he never saw BB

He'd rather watch Pajeet kino than make another game.

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That shitpost aside, I do wonder what Japs think of BB. I know Drugs are a major taboo in their culture and you basically get deleted from life for doing them, but it's a show about a man making them to raise money for his family, does that cancel out the honor thing? Here's Kozaki Yusuke's drawing of Walt and Jessie, with that and OP's pic you know they watched it

Attached: kozaki yusuke_walter white and jessie.jpg (536x536, 37.28K)

Japan has a meth problem so if anything it's relatable.

>I thought Japmans hate anything created by the white piggu and anything not tranime
Shows what a fucking tard you are, no one above 40 in japan gives a shit about anime

You do realize that whole "honor and famiry" thing is a load of shit right? Japs are just as degenerate as us and also have a huge drug problem.

BASED. this is the one "good" pajeet movie

Anywhere other than the US treats it as a cautionary tale about the American healthcare system, if Walt got cancer in Japan he'd get treatment for free


>thinking drugs are a "major taboo" in Japan
Alcohol aside, which is a drug that japs love, pretty sure only stuff like weed and heroin are super taboo there. The usual discreet party drugs like pills and coke and definitely common.

That's not the plot, you're either getting your knowledge from meme webcomics or saying that non-Americans can't comprehend TV show plots. The cancer was terminal from the first diagnosis, he was raising money to leave behind for his family after he died, not for treatments.

Everyone who says this missed the entire point of the show. Walt could've been covered by health insurance and he still would've become a meth kingpin.

Elliot offered to cover for his treatment but he refused, while healthcare is a factor to what he does his main during force is his ego, also doesn't help that teachers in the us get paid squat lol


they have forums over there that discuss family guy the way we have forums that discuss dragonball z.

Did you miss all the parts in the show where he he can't afford the chemo?

Did you stop watching at that episode or something? The show keeps going, little cousin. That's the bait. The switch is that Walt cared more about power and, let's be honest, fun crime than anything else.

You're retarded

Did you miss the part where he could and kept going anyway?

There are not "westaboos", western media in japan is not niche like their shows are here.

Do they go "AIEEEEEEEE STEWIE CHAN I KNEEL" while posting pic related

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not quite, but they do have some strange obsession with king of the hill and memes about bobby kicking that one guy in the nuts.

The box art is so good.