We are fucking back Japanchads

We are fucking back Japanchads.

Sony is getting their shit together.

Attached: Hardware chart july 2022.png (295x285, 29.81K)

>getting their shit together
>you STILL have to get in a queue to buy one

the switch is loosing steam at an alarming rate

Beware the Sonychads are back.

Now with PC support!

>imaginary euro data
>71+88+39 magically making 243 instead of 198

almost like the planet is comprised of more countries...

Ouch, it's not looking good for the Switch sales wise. Very unlikely it's going to reach PS4 sales at this rate.

Shit, is the Japan market? We are buying more than half of the US market.

Based Kishida.

tick tock little niggy

Attached: file.png (883x62, 7.32K)

Does the euro data exclude the UK?

>420 xbox ones sold worldwide

Attached: 1612809959344.jpg (1242x1139, 578.14K)

Amerimutt education

Jesus fucking Christ...
Please be bait.

>we can't list them but we can totally pretend this exists in our unsourced chart ok.
You are so docile. fucking cattle.

Careful. He'll start samefag responding you again.

Xbox trannies blown the fuck out.

>MSRP 499€
>Real price 700€

Imma keep waiting bro

Attached: 1643913610430.jpg (749x749, 111.22K)

By this date, you will get a PS5 Pro.

i told you stupid retarded xlosers
playstation was just having stock issues worse than anyone else but now not much anymore and now you can see the result in OP pic


Reminder that Vgchartz fucking DOUBLED PS5 sales out of pure conjecture

Attached: Vgchartzsnoybias.png (768x512, 183.74K)

good. Wait-chads winning again

Maybe PS5 will get some games now?

Can't wait for their pro Dualsense a new Inzone monitor tbqh senpai.

dont pretend seethed xtard

>Sony is getting their shit together
>Still being outpaced by 5 year old hardware

Now lets see those software numbers, user.

They have their exclusives. If you want to play NHL or Football you have to get a console

Software is digital.

Then what are all of those boxes and discs for

Attached: 1330130022983.png (298x289, 111.92K)

Outdated shit desu fren.


There is no need for anyone to buy PS5 if they have PS4.