"GamePass is...le bad"

>$15 a montth for over 400 games on console and PC
>is somehow bad

Attached: GP.png (512x512, 11.77K)

390 dogshit shovelware

99% of games aren't worth it. Just filler or propaganda.
Why would you want to poison yourself and give money to the enemy?

If you're not consistently only paying $1 for gamepass every month then you're doing it wrong

how do i do this btw? i used the dollar thing once, how would i do it again?

It's only worth it if you want to try out shit that you're not sure if you'll like it, and don't feel like pirating for whatever reason.

Don't care about shovelware. i care about new games coming on day one without paying full price like Wo Long Fallen Dynasty

t. People who have never had gamepass. At least 70% of the games on gamepass are decent titles from known devs. I'd say 25-30% or so would be small indie shit like Paradise Killer and Two Point Campus. Gamepass is still well worth it although I don't have mine active rn since I've been mostly jamming Civ VI and Spell Force II on my laptop

>is somehow bad

Its only bad for sonyfags. They can't compete.

I've seen steamfags call this bad

>paying for games in perpetuity
>stop paying
>have nothing
yeah, i don't see any issues with this.

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Because its not PlayStation

>At least 70% of the games on gamepass are decent titles from known devs.
yeah and theyre all shovelware from over 5 years ago

PS+ premium has 700 games and costs $120 a year

>>stop paying
>>have nothing
PC games have never been real and for 15 hour games I'd rather pay $1 for one month only and lose it instead paying the asking price on Steam to """keep""" it.


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Outside of Europe only

lol cuck

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>700 whole movies!
700 games is a lie and most of it is duplicate titles on ps4 and ps5 being separated. Sony themselves admit it wil take years to build a GP competitor

Series S Chad here, mostly just play gamepass however ive gone out of my way and bought 5 games so far (Disco Elysium, Farcry: Blood Dragon, Stanley Parable, Prey+Mooncrash and Lost Odyssey) so I can still play kino whenever I want regardless of my subscription running out

I'll stay winning

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i'd rather pay for games that i can easily crack and use past the DRMs life cycle than have hardware DRM that constantly checks in to the internet and is designed to keep you from playing games if you don't pay

teach me senpai