How does the Master Chief Collection run on PC?

How does the Master Chief Collection run on PC?

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Flawlessly. No issues here.

after like 5 years of patches, it runs now

Great. Of course, I have a good PC.

>Master Chief Collection
Is it better then halo infinite

Decent, still some bugs that probably won't be fixed but most people won't know about that.

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they're both great

Still has bugs, but the general performance is not one of them. Took them fucking forever to make all animations run at the native framerate you set vs. being 30hz tickrates though.

Runs good on Steam. To this day i've had issues with it on the xbox app.

>going for all of those achivements
God damn. I tried getting them all for Reach & Halo, but I was quickly losing interest on having to replay the maps multiple times to reach the Par times and other shit.

And that's ignoring all the multiplayer/co-op specific shit that loves to be bugged.

Absolutely fantastic.

Have the fixed the horrible lag desync when trying to play co-op yet?

It kept me and my friends from playing when it launched.

That's the only thing remaining to be addressed, but I doubt they'll do it because that means overhauling the foundation of all of the game's current bro-op network setup.

It's a huge ask.

I'm a campaign nigger and replay it very often so those achievements didn't make me feel like losing interest, unless it was everything related to Halo 4. As for multiplayer I used to play it a lot in the beginning and not so much after 4's release and got lucky and found a group of people (8 in total) where we grinded the hard ones out that was very unlikely to get legitimately. I still play campaign now and the occasional customs but I ain't touching multiplayer anymore.

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I'd have liked the multiplayer more if I could better mix'n'match what modes from what games I wanted to play, as well as letting me see current playercounts for each, but nope, they couldn't handle that.

Halo 2 Anniversary stutters independent of settings

Works on my machine, 120FPS, played with my friend yesterday on legendary. We were raped though.

Halo 2 Coop on delta halo is unplayable. Between 30 to 90℅ of the level there's the risk that you'll be randomly disconnected. One time I even had something like it on Infinity (Halo 4), where the level would disconnect us at the first spawn point, but it seems it stopped doing that so we managed to finish it anyway.

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>Par times
The dumbest garbage ever, they could've done so much to increase replayability

I've seen these complaints a lot, and these are clearly from people who never played Halo back in the day.
Online co-op was borderline UNPLAYABLE, except for the rare case that everyone had perfect connection which was rare, and just lead to people kicking each other to find who was the one with lag.
At times it just paused for some time, or it would give a second or two long delay, or worse just randomly disconnecting for the most stupid shit possible.
>Trying to do vidmasters
>One of your friends gets a call to his home phone
>Suddenly all 4 get kicked
Also not to mention how somehow I never see lag in standard multiplayer, can't recall how many times I was playing as my dead body in 2007.
>Going for a fast time or fast score isn't a way to inscrease replayability
Even if they aren't your thing, well try going for the hidden skulls/datapads then, or use any skulls to make it more challenging, or the golden moas, or playing co-op, or get achievements or any campaign challenge.
There is plenty of reasons to replay.

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I thought the skulls didn't exist since they were unlocked from the get go? I know they added data pads (came across a couple in Halo 1 by accident) but that was it.

Are the netcode still being hot garbage?
>200ms latency means 200ms input lag

Think you can still collect them the old school way but it's fully unlocked from the get go

My computer sucks and very rarely the game will freeze and will resume after. I haven't turned the graphics settings down. Otherwise it's perfect.
Haven't played Reach or 4 yet.