Anyone remembers this game?

Anyone remembers this game?

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yeah it's shit

The DSi game had no right to be as good as it was.

Aleays wanted to try it, only things i know about it is that it looks a bit like Dead Space in the sense of camera look/pragmatic sci fi suit.
Also jet packs.
Was it fun to you, OP?
Don't care if its shit as long as it has it fun parts.

no, stop making up fake games.

Remember this?

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it was outsourced garbage during the dark times when Inafune was too busy ruining the company and almost killing Capcom for good, good someone stepped up and sent the motherfucker packing, no one should have ever promoted that goddamn retard to anything more than artist

My favorite game of that year. The best 5/10 I've ever played. Probably played it through five times in a row and dominated multiplayer


Cool soundtrack and good premise, but it has exactly ONE good jetpack level and I think it was the demo stage. Ultimately it's a bad Uncharted ripoff with no budget. It's borderline so bad it's good at times.

Yeah I remember playing the demo for it on the xbox 360 where you had the full suit and could fly around and I was so blown away by it but never ended up getting the game. They made it one of the free games with gold like a year ago and I tried it and holy fuck it did not hold up at all.

yeah beat it and I liked it
flying was fun but I remember fuck all about the story

What's that?

They fucked Super Joe's character over, for some reason

Remember this?

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keep em coming I need more

Wanna convince my buddy to play this with me

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Iirc, this was the first "next gen" game for the 360-era that got previewed.

The one they made evil?

I tried this crap once with a friend and got ONE fucking trophy called like "all that and a bag of chips" that's just stuck on my list now forever.

oboeshoesgames on yt got you covered but he can get annoying

even the garbage games were better in 7th gen

yeah, the protagonist of the Capcom arcade game Mercs

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I remember I enjoyed it.
I also remember Brad Pitt bought the movie rights before the game was even out, no idea what that was about

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A lot of games from that time had movie rights for X and X property be brought by various studio then nothing was ever made. i mean just look at some Midway/WB game IPs that were slated to have films made like F.E.A.R. , The Suffering, Spy Hunter, Wheelman.......