What are people seeing in her that i'm not?? She's so fucking ugly

What are people seeing in her that i'm not?? She's so fucking ugly

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That is what people are seeing

People are just tricking themselves into thinking she's cute to cope with her idol status. She's inescable for anyone who intends to play S3. Even I'm trying to look at her in a positive light (her animations are cute), but objectively, her hairline is atrocious and her face is so wonky. She's not cute, not even the normal sort of "uglycute", and I don't know how this ended up being her final design.

She's cute as fuck


Somali looking ass

Finally some down syndrome representation

sits like a yakuza
she's based

i swear they swapped the skin colors on the two after realizing she looks too much like pearl.

Just move her facial features up a few inches and she would be perfect


she suffers from fetal inkohol syndrome, so she resonates with the average tendie

Watch her in motion she is quite cute.

Stop trying to force this cringy shit.

Shut up bulbhead

piss off, ray charles

Just got home and missed the direct, can some one recap it and spare me half an hour?


You know when you have an icky scab and you just can't stop picking at it?
It's that kind of appeal.


Attached: boy ian't right.jpg (860x844, 113.19K)

This. She's really well animated and is much more endearing looking when they're sitting around talking

code lyoko reject

Splatoon 2 2.
You can play in the practice arena during matchmaking and invite friends to join your team.
You can customize a locker. The store owner of the locker item shop is the anemone girl from ABXY/Chirpy Chips.
There's new content for Salmon run including a big boss with an HP bar that you have to throw eggs at to deal significant damage.
5 new stages, 7 returning at launch.
2 years of free DLC and a paid DLC featuring Off the Hook.

They're trolling.

No, you're right. She's ugly.
Political extremists will try desperately to force the perception that the majority of people think her attractive, though. It's been a running theme recently, for instance in the Kimberly SF threads.

genuinely the same shit as ever. more glorified dlc

They're both supposed to be representative of chaos

Her eyes look like an arts and crafts project gone wrong

is she supposed to be indian?

shes cute in that ugly way. Like a pug/ I just think shes so stupid looking I kinda love that but I cant help but like the ray so much more

she looks like this

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What is that orange turd on her head?

It's tempura.
Her name is Frye.
Her hair is crispy.

fried chicken

Except that pugs are disgusting, unnatural, abominations, created specifically for their disability that leaves them suffering and unable to breathe propperly their whole life.

She's ugly, they're memeing.
Shiver is hot as fuck though.