We need more games about cryptids

Cryptids or urban legends cool shit like that
It’s not right that are only true modern cryptid game is fucking Fallout 76

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>He doesn't own the official Gnome encyclopedia

They could be real assholes if you didn't respect them.

Attached: gnomes-4.jpg (1200x1711, 236.45K)

The Wolf Among Us and Until Dawn are the only ones I can think of to be honest.

try slavic cryptids

Disco Elysium has cryptids

Skinwalkers are witches/shamans not cryptids, Europeans have their own versions of skinwalkers as you can see from Norse legend

There are probably real Navajo people out there who actually practice skinwalking

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>tatar cryptids

Attached: 1231.jpg (275x183, 4.86K)

>We'd love some tea!
lmao, more like
>We are gonna kidnap your children and replace them with one of our own, you will never be sure if it's a fake but it will never feel quite the same

the what ohhhhhhhh

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is that a..???

Gnomes are my homies and I like to chill with them. For being elementals they are very down to earth.

Elves are straight up rapists and murderers

> For being elementals they are very down to earth

Europeans are such pansies that they even make Aussies look brave, I mean the Australian cryptid is a tree that just looks at you. Meanwhile in America, we have a mountain lion that sucks out your blood

Attached: average american.jpg (480x360, 37.4K)

Meme would be 1000x better without right text. Also based muricans, cryptoids are demons.

You guys honestly don’t think gnomes are worse then Skinwalkers right?


w-what happens if I drink the tea?

Depends what kind of folklore you look at. You usually have the harmless ones but then you also have the cruel ones and the tasteless ones.

Well don’t be a disrespectful asshole respect the gnome and they will respect you back

Is there a difference between cryptids and folk tales/mythology?

Great, now I gotta listen to that Gnome song from Fable 3 again

Gnomes the elemental? Because you can just summon opposing energies of air and hurt/scare them away.

>that picture
So when exactly did reddit start loving this shit

Those aren't cryptids those are European and native folklore. American cryptids would be like Bigfoot, skunk ape, Jersey Devil and some stupid shit like a lizard man or something

I’ll have you know I got this from twitter

>He doesn't know about German bedtime stories

>There are probably real Navajo people out there who actually practice skinwalking
Its called being a furry and fucking dogs

One is for sure fake the other could possibly be real? But probably not

Not like Australia has much history to begin with

>Digging your hole even deeper

cryptids are the creature that mythology says exists but doesn't actually exist

you have a nice and enjoyable moment.

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Yeah. Cryptids are treated as real by rednecks and losers while folk tales are just stories from hundreds or thousands of years ago

>white women were the real skinwalkers all along
But seriously, if I had to guess what the practice is, the skinwalker takes a fuck load of drugs and then tries to unite their conscious with an animal instead of trying to turn into an animal

Like I give a fuck

Respect the Cuno

So would things like the minotaur and the svartalf be cryptids then?

Man Until Dawn was fun, I wish it was on PC

For me, it's the ghost horse. Shit drowns kids and dooms people from merely looking at it. Has many names throughout many different countries. European cryptids honestly make American ones their bitch. But OP's is still pretty funny

folklore is tied to culture, cryptids are just monsters that may or may not exist. I guess a cryptid can be part of folklore but it doesn't have to be.

Santa Claus eats your children if they're not well behaved.


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Seeing how Indians are scared shitless of skinwalkers to the point they like it when you talk about them I think it’s safe to say yeah don’t go fucking with them

Rank Downfall characters.
For me it's:
1. Automaton
2. Hermit
3. Snecko
4. Champ/Guardian tie
5. Slime Boss
6. Gremlins
7. Hexaghost

so... what was it Any Forums ?

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Where else would you get your drawn porn commissioned by someone else.

Why does America even have cryptids?
By that point people stopped believing in fairy tales no?

That’s a kelpie and that’s a Scottish legend

You just brush over from /k/?

VGH the fairies of Ireland.
also a dog which goes to church

Because probably knowing about them makes you a target for an evil skinwalker shaman to curse you, so they might be trying to keep outsiders safe from them

Or its just a very uncomfortable topic for them. A guy running around the woods as a deer, making deer noises and shitting in the woods.

>cuckoo clock tower

poop Indians or natives?

Big ass nasty wolf with a taste for blood
Stupid frenchies were too pussy to fight back

>aww he's smiling!

Just a couple of wolves or possibly an escaped hyena

My favourite childhood trauma.

I own it, and I know at least three people that swear to have seen gnomes.



TF is a 'skinwalker'? Isn't that a wendigo in OP pic?

VGH the pig faced lady of europe

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Also, skinwalking might be a secret shamanic tradition which is only taught to a select amount of people. There are beliefs that magic has power in relation to how many people know about it etc., so that may also be a reason. They may not also want white people to learn about the techniques because they don’t want evil magic to spread, or they don’t want their rivals knowing about how to do evil magic, there are various reasons