Well, that just happened

>Well, that just happened
>He’s standing right behind me, isn’t he?
>Sorry, that sounded cooler in my head
Marvel’s dialogue writing has had disastrous consequences on media as a whole.

Attached: so let me get this straight.png (830x828, 1.24M)

For me, it’s not so much the dialogue as it is the tone of her voice that makes her sound insufferable as fuck.

>FFXV devs behind the gameplay
And like that, you’ve already lost me

You will be getting dialogue written from writer's with lot's of experience on place like Facebook plebit and twitter.
The future will be a disaster.

Do writers actually think this isnt insufferable or do they write it ironically to come off as "charming"

Ah if only I recommend a filter in your case.

People are going to look back on the cringe writing of this decade 20 years from now, and will think it was timeless and deep.
This is what happened with amy hennigs other work, legacy of kain soul reaver.

Can’t wait for my melee hits to have just about no impact whatsoever.

that's what baffles me
without devolving into buzzword spam, who is actually writing this and what goes through their head when doing so?
it must be an "approved by committee" type deal from an out-of-touch board of execs

It's what happens when you aren't capable of writing anything remotely serious so you cover it up with millennial quips. Like haha isn't it so funny that this doom guy looking dude is cracking jokes like your coworker during standup

Maybe it sounds good in their head!?
And the audio DP is a death metal fan and is legally deaf

man and I thought FFXV's writing (Forespoken devs is the XV team) was lame but this is way worse

>Can’t wait for my melee hits to have just about no impact whatsoever.
or being unable to die due to item use at 0 HP

Daily reminder that the devs/marketing team are so out of touch that in an interview they literally said they animated her walking stride to be "hip-hop"-y. Even the interviewer was flabbergasted and asked them what they meant by that. IIRC it's from an interview article a few months back. Can't remember which publication interviewed them.

Hack writers think every line needs to be gold, unaware that their script is shit.

yes the endless quipping is so fucking annoying
fucking capeshit ruined movies, tv and now gaming

Hennig only helped laid down the groundwork for the world concept and narrative. Other writers handled the dialogue and final script.

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>Confronts the main villain
>"Ummm, it's called being a decent human being sweetie"

Shes not the main writer, im not sure why people keep assuming she is when theres like 5 other people on the writing team and she was only ever described as a minor addition.

I hate that I can absolutely picture a scene like that happening.

Attached: marios_only_emotion.png (1540x1252, 205.42K)

>Allison Rhymer
>The Black Turtle
>Earthworm Jim show





user, it still looks like ass even without the dialogue.

>You didn't slay the dragon?
Reminder that this made millenials shit their pants and clap. Millenials are the root of all woes in the modern world.

if blacka vanished from the planet, what sector of society would suffer?

At least in Shrek, it was able to pull off comedic timing and had an actually likable cast of characters.

>likable cast of characters

no guys dont you get it, they just made this trailer awful so you all talk about it. they want you to think the game is awful!

Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey weren’t jerks at all, though. Granted, Shrek had his rough edges, but it mainly due to years of people judging him for his outward appearance and he managed to open up by the end.

Who me? Yeah I’m a freakin GOD as it turns out. Shyeah I’m all about that axe life. That handsome devil next to me? Senpai, that’s literally my BOY. He can thank me for his good looks AND formative trauma. It’s not easy fighting heCkin VIKINGS. But Honestly? Being a parent ragnaroxx.

Attached: 20220810_132254.jpg (600x835, 82.19K)

Horizon was also looking like a fucking disaster before release and got 10/10s from reviewers. That didn't stop the game for being a giant pile of shit, the same will happen here.

>Marvel’s dialogue writing has had disastrous consequences on media as a whole.
People are giving Marvel too much credit. It's just a trend that will be forgotten in due time.

It's a sort of allergy to sincerity, so they can't write a fantastical story like this without constantly pointing out how dumb fantasy is, because... Things can't just be what they are.

>Being a parent ragnaroxx.
That's too clever for these writers.

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