A character action game that isn't DmC or made by Platinum?

A character action game that isn't DmC or made by Platinum?
Might be worth a bit of hype

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there's easily a dozen indie cuhrayzee games in the works. its nothing special

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I'm sold.

I have a little more faith in a double A studio to make the combat smooth and responsive. Feels like that's something where a lot of playtesting and fine tuning is necessary that a 3 man dev can't really handle.

Not a big fan of how they put bandages under the eyepatch. That's like putting a hat on a hat.
Pick one or the other.

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No. That's a red flag if anything.

How will the genre develop or even survive if only one studio is barely putting out games for it?

Kill yourself.

It's my most anticipated game

I pad under my patch because frankly the one I currently have is a giant piece of shit. I can't describe how hard it is to get a decent fucking eyepatch. All the NHS-approved ones either look goofy as shit, or are so small its like my socket is wearing a microthong. Nobody wants that.

So you think "okay fine, that big boss guy looks like he gets his tailored and that looks comfy" first off, that shit is also too small. You'd be getting socketslip all the fucking time the way he jumps around unless he stapled the damn thing to his face.

This one is fucking huge though and you don't want that, you look like fucking mankind when you do that. I just want one that conforms vaguely to the eye socket, but uses my neanderthal brow so there's space behind it. As it stands the best patch I've ever had is from a fucking captain hook costume, but I had to stop using it because it was made of some cheap furry faux velvet material that was shedding like fuck.

Anyway I forgot my point. Except maybe this twink ass whoever might have an injury they don't want seeping all over their goddamn patch, it's fine.

Looks neat

Thanks for the input, Snake.

That's a woman, btw.

Sorry I was only half looking.

one without comatose enemies would be nice for a change

why is there now a need in all vidyas to telegraph every move with a huge glowing effect first? isn't the winding up more than enough? god hand's enemies were all up in my face and still I could tell when an attack was cooming without them employing a sudden flash to say

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This game

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when the tiniest fart from any action character is flashier than new year's eve fireworks, that overabundace of visual flair requires enemies to have even more noticeable tells. blame anime I guess

Why would you consume a mediocre product just because it was made by "a little guy"?

Not even remotelly the same. What a waste of a couple seconds opening that video was.

>Dmc is about being stylish and doing crazy combos
>that 2d game has the same principles behind it
>It doesnt count cause its 2d

>It doesnt count cause its 2d
Exactly. It's as absurd as someone claiming that Contra and Doom are exactly the same game because you shoot guns and kill monsters.

>Why would you consume a mediocre product just because it was made by "a little guy"?
Why would you consume a mediocre product, just because it's made by a big studio?
Quality wise Devil May Cry hasn't exactly been the most consistent series.

But the combat mechanics are similar enough it even has a style meter.