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Any Forums - Tranny obsession

Always knew Any Forums was gay for Bridget

The jannies will nuke this thread but keep up the spam threads.

Bridget is literally board culture. You shouldn't be surprised when something controversial happens with him it's going to take to board over for a bit

the jannies and mods deleted your other thread but don't lift a finger to combat the spamming and flooding

Look at all these chuds obsessed with trannies for no reason. Rent frer

>not even half the catalog

I love how mod autosaged a actual video game thread with zero shitposting but leave this trash up for hours on end

As with anything on v give it a week or two and it should die down.

How many people are in that discord I wonder? I think it's humorous that they spammed so fucking much obsessively and then the truth came out and they are still desperately clinging to the spam.

Create a fighting game containment board now. This has been a problem since Super Shit Brothers, fg niggers are mentally ill.

By the time you include all the other shitass bait, it's more than half the catalog. Shit's getting worse.

We had our one and only chance when mods were making new Any Forums boards but for some reason never made a proper fighting game one.

>Super Shit Brothers
This snoy got buck broken.

more like r/gamingcirclejerk doing their raids yet again

Damn I really hate how so many good art of Bridget gets ruined by the fucking trans flag now, I don't even care about the pronouns shit just stop with the annoying flag

Any more games where important areas become completely inaccessible when new characters are introduced?

I can't fucking believe Bridget got a SECOND controversial event. The first being that Bridget was a trap in 2005-2010. The second being schrodinger's trap in 2022.

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Say what you will, this is the most fun I’ve had on this board in months

stop talking like a fag user

>schrodinger's trap

>didnt beat smashniggers
>didnt beat shazam
>didnt beat elden ring sois
>didnt beat that one time the vidya butts spammer went nuclear
Fgc is so irrelevant even a Any Forums culture controversy regarding trannies cant outspam the most recent shitposters

I hate zoomers so much it's unreal

It's the most soulless and astrotured of all of them. That's what makes it so annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if it was all the same schizo.

tranny flag really looks like if cwc made up a country

no cap fr fr on god sheeeeeesh

>Any Forums - Bridget Games
Genius move by ASW, people have been talking more about this series in 3 days than in the entirety of random late 2010s years.

It was yesterday lol

I'd take a week of Bridget spam over a single day of the cancer that was Minecraft's Smash reveal.

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/qa/ won.

slow week i guess

Stevefags getting btfo during banjo's reveal was so fun after weeks of them acting smug

why is this board so gay man
/vr/ is so much better despite its own faults