Is jet set radio still a good game?

Is jet set radio still a good game?

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JSR eh not really
JSRF is okay
other than music and style, there are other extreme sports games that are much more mechanically rich and fun. THPS, SSX, Skate, hopefully Bomb Rush Cyberfunk too

how come these games dont get made very often?

dunno, never played jet set radio. Now jet grind radio, thats a game alright. Jet set radio future ftw!!!!

JSRF yeah, JSR has aged kinda bad control wise. The music producer saying fag shit on twitter doesn't change anything he's been like this for years now, just ignore him.

because "X-TREME" sports stopped being cool 14 years ago



It’s still cool to me, dammit.

THPS style games are really advanced for your average indie dev to make. Those games are full of little tricks and illusions that make you look like you're doing something you're really not. They require programming a kinematic character controller from scratch with your own physics, collisions and movement which is too advanced for a lot of people.

hideki naganuma is living proof that grow adults can be groomed too
It's ok. Graphics and music are great but it controls way worse then I remember

Is this dude autistic or something?
Thought he might've just been shitposting or something but he honestly sounds like a fucking retard now whenever I see anything he tweets.

he's playing you all like a fiddle

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I don't think he actually believes in the stuff he's saying
Most of he says was found to be directly copied from his replies

If he's a transvestite, I can't support his content anymore. Sorry not sorry.

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pretty sure he's trolling. he's literally peter griffin IRL


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when Shinzo Abe got JFK'd, he said it's not ok to laugh at/celebrate people dying even if their views were terrible. Twitter Troons seethed in response & I think straight up conceded so he wouldn't be cancelled.

Ahh got it.

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Nice. I spent way more time than I'd like to admit looking at Gum's panties in this game.

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mostly new devs lack the skills to make an interesting level like THPS games, you just get flashy graphics with maybe a half ramp, some rails and plain looking streets

hideki is the personification of a NPC, "I support current thing"