Master Duel

How is the duelist cup treating you?

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I want to make a new waifu deck
Convince me that Amazoness are playable or I'll make Marincess

level 17 with 57 cards deck dinos
I can feel that I'm facing tougher opponents at this level but it won't be hard to reach 20.
I'm expecting a banlist after this event (most likely a shitty one), just like how Duel Links always has banlist updates after KC Cups


You niggers really need to learn there are some things in life that you have no control of so stop fucking seething over every fucking ftk deck you go against.

Awful. I'm stuck on lv 16. I'm either bricking or going second. I hate this game.

Bros .. I want to make a dinomorphia deck but this new selection pack is the shittiest one yet.
> Stacked With useless URs.
> 3 UR dedicated to dinomorphia. Not including the other generic dino UR support like fossil Dog and ovi
>Split the archetype up for no reason so no rexturm
>Random garbage
>Still no vampire fascinator, ogre, and zombie
I hate this. Especially when it's another 30 day wait. I bet these marketing execs we're seething that you could make a full floo, despia, and swordsoul deck from one selection pack before so they changed it

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Shut the fuck up you dbz spic

Guardian Chimera is not useless or bad. I mean right now it's not the greatest but soon it'll be very good.

>floonigger makes the mistake of dimension shiftering swordsoul
lol get chengyinged

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Chinksoul players are no better than Floo players.

Nips are going crazy over this thing.

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>he didn't got free gems because he fell for the don't rank up meme

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Is this the new boogeyman? did he REALLY btfo you that badly?

>cancer brags about beating cancer

My only hope is that Mikanko is not beyond useless, I have no affection for this creature, I am a Ritual man

Just came back to the game
It is true that the new marincess cards are around the corner

Yes, next month or the month after, they're in the files

Free gems? You mean just starting at a slightly higher level in the event?

Climbing to DLv. 10 was pretty easy. Still worth it for the non-cancerous casual mode down here in Gold.

>Waifu Deck
>Deck Build Pack Archetype
I'm sorry user, she has no chance. Have more art as consolation.

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Drytron were from GEIM user.