Xenoblade 3

Is this foreshadowing?

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>heroine gets kidnapped

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Any Forums is a Taion board

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How do you respond?

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Stop forcing these threads

this fake aussie accents in this game hurt

Eunie board, birdslave.

I had a bad feeling about the castle but it worked out okay, and now the group has a big tiddy mommy to boss them around. Things went better than expected bros

>wahh stop talking about video games

Can someone explain to me why Noah weapon suddenly become a robotic arm whenever he unsheathed the sword. No one take notice and it's not even explain in the damn story.

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>stop discussing recently released video games!!!
sorry we had to bump a twitter screencap or wojak thread off the board for this, user

I bet its re used concept art of the ouroboros party we are playing.

His sword transforms into Iron Man glove

especially ghondor

I'm more baffled that Noah was able to just completely block a massive laser from the Lambda Ferronis with that arm, why the fuck is it so strong?

my 15 iq wife!

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It's just how his blade morphs, like how Lanz's sword turns into a gun turret

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This game somehow has the worst prison break segment in vidya. It makes zero sense.

>only just put together that one of the founder statues is adult chad Rex, the description of his personality even matches and he's said to have wielded two swords at the same time

Its the alt form of a sheathblade that house a cosmic sword, of course it's powerful. Probably was tinkered by Riku.

Ghondor is fucking insufferable.

Another doubt, which may be a bit silly, but how is it possible that there are 2 Noah's? The fact that N is a Mobius does not prevent another Noah from appearing? Maybe I missed something or my low IQ didn't understand the explanation of the cycle.

Gonna need something a bit meatier

Sorry this isn't another Bridget thread.

Jesus the story drops off hard in Ch4

Just like the sales after first week LMAO

If the cycle kept going as Zed intended, what would happen once everyone reached their homecoming?

More importantly, what would happen if annihilation events just blasted the world into nothing?

I love when shitposters fixate on sales because they have nothing else to fixate on.

That final boss as real dumb
Since takahashi somehow thinks this is a conclusion to the blade saga, the only way forward for Xeno now is either prequels to Klaus shit going for a more futuristic Saga vibe.
Or unrelated sequels in each world getting their own entry?
Also I smell like a Xenoblade 2 DE in the work when you look at the updated Poppi model /Nia's leggings/photo at least to properly implement the Torna cutscenes in the main game.

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Everything die, duh.

yeah, as soon as they get stuck on sales you know the doomposting will end soon