Reminder that ZA/UM are now making a pozzed game with a pregnant woman as mc

Reminder that ZA/UM are now making a pozzed game with a pregnant woman as mc
>oh user do you want to play as a pregnant woman in our video gam-

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uh user? you do know Disco Elysium is pozzed, right?

Attached: Image.png (401x512, 188.45K)

Reminder that you have literally no proof of this besides something you half heard on Any Forums about something the lead dev said years ago

it's so funny people here tried to defend this game as being actually based lol

It isn't. Devs are pozzed but the game is actually good. Judge the art not the artist

Reminder that every single DE thread is made by a handful of astroturfing leftoids on Discord

>Judge the art not the artist
that requires higher intellect than the average Any Forumstard has

Could be cool

the game is good but it is pozzed
>racist incel lorry driver
>le strong black lawyer girl
>le strong lesbian truck driver girl who loooooves titties and puts even Titus in his hecking place
After all of this shit, you're upset about a female protagonist??
And a female protagonist who actually bears a child instead of just being a liberal childfree wine aunt or some shit like that? You're weird.

I don't get your complaint. Maybe this is just bait so that the thread doesn't die.

Attached: oVcwA0Pgq5Q.jpg (640x600, 88.17K)

If you can play as a blue hedgehog in a video game, you can play as a pregnant woman.

Yes, nefarious powers coalesce behind everything you dislike. It's impossible for people who enjoy a particular video game to naturally discuss what they enjoy on a board dedicated to it

What does ZA/UM even mean? There is a russian word zaum' (зayмь) which means excessive and unneeded thinking. I feel that it fits the developers, plus they are estonian so they must know russian, right?

It's confirmed in the offish discord server, but there's no more info than that

Zionist Alliance/Unrelenting Marxists

It refers to language used by Russian 20th century writers

>There is a russian word zaum' (зayмь) which means excessive and unneeded thinking
That's what it's named after, yes.
Estonians over the age of 30 do know Russian, it was mandatory to learn in schools in USSR.
Also their lead art director is Russian - Aleksandr Rostov

I like the game but it's definitely pozzed as shit, don't even try to hit me with that "i-it shits on c-communism too!" disingenuous bullshit.

Communism is at the center of Rechavol's problems and the game explicitly tells you that. Hell, the entire plot of the game revolves around an unhinged Commie

>I like the game but it's definitely pozzed as shit
then why the fuck do you like it?

sounds interesting, I'll have to give it a look

Because it's good despite those flaws
And by flaws I mean the shitty token bossgirl lesbian character and the shitty token black bossgirl character
they're ignorable
the whole game doesnt permeate those attitudes

Weren't they pushing moralists? I took that route and it felt like the most reasonable

They don't push anything
you are free to choose any of the 4
poltards just have a confirmation bias against communism in particular

But you're right, moralism is definitely presented as more grand and important than other 3: its vision quest is much longer, more elaborate, grand and epic, AND comes with its own alternative ending!

>They don't push anything
Really? Huh, weird. See, the fascist thought actually penalizes the player for picking fascist-aligned aswers, and it's the only one of the political thoughts to do that. Almost like the devs actively try to discourage you from going that route.
But i guess i must have gotten the wrong impression.

Moralist is the only thought with no downsides out of the politcal thoughts

You did get the wrong impression. You are forgetting that Harry Du Bois is not your self-insert. He's a character with his own ideas and conceptions of what fascism is.
>Almost like the devs actively try to discourage you from going that route
what a fucking shallow understanding of the game and its story holy shit

So probably like Fargo