Bad ending: I'm not strong enough to accept myself for who I am...

>bad ending: I'm not strong enough to accept myself for who I am, I need the help of other people to finally gain the confidence to come out as a trans woman
>good ending: I'm inspired by other people's determination to be true to themselves and I'm also strong enough to accept myself as a trans woman, it's a huge step to make and it scares me but it's what will make me happy
How did Japan manage to achieve better trans representation than most western games?
this is truly brave and progressive

Attached: 1646485823354.jpg (1756x2048, 634.86K)

Japan showing the rest of the world how to do it.

Arcade isn't canon.

41% yourselves

speedwatcher troon...

why don't troons just accept themselves the gender they are born with?

Threadly reminder to all troons. You will never be a woman. The rest of the sexual deviant community hates you and hopes you die.

ok predditor

trans women have female brains
they do

ywnbaw you sexual predator
what would your dad think of you right now

They also have a set of cock and balls and are fucking obnoxious

Attached: groomlewis or perhaps goldjewish.jpg (700x470, 60.83K)

Considering over 50% of women fail to pass as a 'women' if you hand them to a transvestigator that's not really saying much.

Completely fabricated.

The best part is you will turn around and claim that males and females are equal and have no differences between their brains.

Attached: FeminismInconsisten.png (827x335, 303.49K)

Attached: i.png (300x279, 122.09K)

>He doesn't know that similar studies have shown that if parents respect and support their trans children the rate of suicidality drops to even below the rate for cis kids at ~4%.

>Says something is completely fabricated
>Doesn't post sources
Okay schizo, sorry you can't goalpost shift out of it.

Just like the post he's replying to.

>good representation
>bridget was groomed into being trans
you people will take literally anything

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Bridget controversy is gonna blow up in the right-wing media sphere and the entire nation is going to get split over child nun transvestite controversy and kick off the USA 2024 civil war.

Basically Bridget is the harbinger of the apocalypse and the antichrist.

>Needs constant support to not kill themselves
>One catchphrase btfo that entire support network
I don't think a building's good because it needs multiple people to support it all day user. Nor is it a good building when a slight breeze can knock it down.

>he doesn't know he will never be a real woman

Why would parents want to support their child's mental illness instead of treating it?

>Bridget will be responsible for the death of millions of mutts
Holy shit she's truly /ourgirl/

>He doesn't know that's only related to literal child and teen suicides and has nothing to do with adulthood tranny suicide which still is astronomically higher than average

>Why would parents want their children to be happy instead of suiciding themselves?
Hmm, I sure wonder.

>Needs constant support to not kill themselves
That's true of all children, and given how suicidal most of Any Forums is I would say most manchildren too.

its not the catchphrase to upsets anyone actually, parents contribute a lot to suicidal behavior in their children and with supportive parents alone the rate drops to normal

>He tells his son he can be a woman for a momentary relief and dooming his life because he doesnt want his son to be LE sad
oh no no no

Trans people are clearly not happy. Just look at how angry and resentful they get at biological females for being all the things they aren't.

Much better to have the kid be satisfied with WHO THEY ARE, so they can grow up and have children themselves.

You know, rather than castrating themselves because they fell to population control brainwashing.

>Trans people are clearly not happy.
They also get hyper aggressive when you don't validate them, like validating themselves isn't enough.
Trans people make me extremely uncomfortable.

Attached: lain face.jpg (224x224, 6.78K)

They believe they have female brains, which makes them run in circles as their actually male brain tries to correct itself.

I don't mind being her or him, what really matter it's that the dick still existis so the hentai is still great