What is it about Sonic that attracts autism so much...

What is it about Sonic that attracts autism so much? You don't see the same level of autistic depravity with Mario fans for example.

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I'd say paper mario fans are just about as autistic but who knows. Does the hedgehog cause autism or does it simply attract it?
Who can say

Actually it's really simple, every character he interacts with considers him cool, looks up to him etc – autists automatically catch on this and therefore see him as the blueprint for being cool.


You’re right about Sonic fans being autistic, but I appreciate how devoted they are to the franchise.
Some of them produce the best fanmade material I’ve ever seen for a videogame series

Because there’s an observable pattern to every franchise that gets a severely autistic fanbase:

>Primarily aimed at children, but has some occasional darker moments.
>Has a cast with distinct personalities that can be easily summarised in one or two sentences.
>There’s at least one edgy anti-hero character with a tragic backstory.
>There’s a massive amount of worldbuilding and lore.
>Has anthropomorphic animals somewhere.
>Has a good soundtrack.

Every single fictional franchise that’s ever become an autism magnet (Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Undertale, MLP:FiM etc.) ticks all of these boxes. If I had to speculate why it’s always these tropes their drawn to, I think it’s because autists want a world they can get lost in while easily being able to understand the characters and their motivations.

Does touhou fit that description?

Barring the anthro animals and being primarily for kids, yes.

What matters is that a work fits the vast majority of the criteria. I was just naming examples that tick every single box.

repeating droning musical tones, high shifting of scenary and flashing lights, extrenely colorful backgrounds
its nerve stimulation overload

>You don't see the same level of autistic depravity with Mario fans for example
It exists, it's just not in your face like Sonic is. Trust me, there's just as much fucked up Yoshi fetishes as there are Sonic ones.

>What is it about Sonic that attracts autism so much
So about 20 years ago Sonic hit the Gamecube, and since then the Sonic "fandom" has been poisoned with the most autistic motherfuckers in gaming.

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Because at its core Sonic is unironically cool in the purest most autistic way possible but its also furshit. Imagine if Metal Gear Rising or Devil May Cry was anthropomorphic animals, imagine how even more obnoxious the fans would be, imagine all the extra weirdos that get pulled in. Sonic is just the perfect storm of cool and fucking abnoxious faggotory, it has the fucking sickest music, the sickest set pieces, sick nasty edgy and extreme stuff going on mixed in with the pervert furries and their OC creation habits.

>Metal Gear
Sounds based

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>repeating droning musical tones, high shifting of scenary and flashing lights, extrenely colorful backgrounds
Sounds like you are talking about the 2D games even though the majority of autists come from the adventure/ 3D sonic fanbase.

user everyone in this thread is a retard. The real reason sonic fans(actually only americans) are autistic is because of SatAM. That is the single most furry shit I had ever seen, like the characters don't even look like sonic characters they are just straight up furries, and this was in 1993. This+the comics

I have this nendoroid. Really good

>You don't see the same level of autistic depravity with Mario fans for example.
Is that really true though? There's a significant overlap between the 2 fanbases, not to mention degenerate subcultures in the Mario fandom like Yoshi faggots and Paper Mario spergs. Maybe real problem is just grown fucking adults seriously caring about childrens platformers.

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i hear this claim alot but I've never seen evidence of it.

There's the old classic of google your name+the hedgehog. That entire side of the fandom pretty much destroyed Sonic's reputation. At least the reputation that was still standing after the horrible games.

used to think it was just a joke until i actually met one. fucker was a living stereotype, with shitty sonic.exe OCs to boot. guy was a tranny, too, if that matters

I have a special place in my heart for classic sonic and I thought Mania was amazing, but unless they're going to make a Mania 2 I wish the series would just die. It painful to see my boy keep taking these L's, the movies were fucking HUGE but Sega still can't figure out how to capitalise on this and make decent a Sonic game. Fuck, they should just put Christian Whitehead at the head of sonic team, he knows what fans want more than they do.

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The core gameplay is speed running.

>You don't see the same level of autistic depravity with Mario fans for example.

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