If you kill him you'll be just like him

>if you kill him you'll be just like him
why are people like this?

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I do not remember any games or stories where this happens

aren't greed and envy the same sin

Only Justin Treadeu said this.

Name two instances where this happens.

Last of Us 2

The newest Tales Of game

>I want more shit I don't need
>Why do they get to have things I don't have!?

How about Infamous, does that count?

>kill a killer
>you become a miller yourself

spileter cell
persona 5
uncharted 2

Which part of infamous? I could have sworn both the beast and kessler die in both endings of both games

I think of the sins as reasons people surrender their self-control over to nature. It's not that you're doing something, it's why you're doing it so there's the physical act and the true act which is both intention and action.

The seven virtues work the same way to where you can commit good acts but what really matters is that they are genuine in that you are doing them for their own sake when necessary.

This one was one of the worst offender since the party NEEDED to kill that bitch anyway.

You do realize in your image isn't don't kill him because you will be like him and is don't kill him out of emotion because you are going to lead a country

greed desires to have stuff
envy doesnt care, just hates others for having shit, will probably pull a "if i cant have it, then nobody will"

Morals. It's fucking retarded.

Read Nietzsche, and stop mystyfying psychological phenomenons which have a history as to how they came to be.

By the very merit of evolution, history, hereditarity, culture, social engineering and propaganda, every universally known or aknowledged concept has a history of causes and effects behind it. It evolved over time.

This is true for both personal and mass psychology, or psychology and sociology, as we like to differentiate and intertwine them depending on the subject matter.

If you like chewing gum, asking yourself "Why do I like chewing gum?" will only give you a partial, subjective answer.

>people say this shit
>after the same people help you murder lots of mooks and lieutenants doing their job
I hate this hypocritical shit.

terrible advice , nietzsche was a jew catching syphillis takeing cocaine and haveing mommy issues relateing everything to sex.
never read anything jews write.

The Last Of Us 2 doesn't actually do that. It's 2 people mutually agreeing that they've done enough damage and revenge on each other.

People who is ignorant about the just war theory.


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Which one? Pretty sure Cole kills the actual bad guys, he only optionally spares thugs and mooks if he's Good which is the exact opposite of this retarded trope ("kill everyone but spare the leader")

>i want more stuff
>i want what my neighbor has
If anything gluttony is closer to greed

He actually never did.