Is Hearts of Iron IV worth getting into? seems to be very popular on steam but looks very complicated...

Is Hearts of Iron IV worth getting into? seems to be very popular on steam but looks very complicated, is the pay off of learning all this stuff worth the effort?

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It's not that complicated if you just bother to read.

Yea and download Equestria at War, it improves the game and adds a lot of good shit

It's not complicated. It has a veneer of appearing complicated but once you start learning the mechanics the game will fall apart. The only thing actually complicated about the game is trying to figure out the complicated sets of rules made by the autists who play online and tell everyone exactly what they're going to be doing all game before it even starts so every game is basically identical and boring

>pony faggotry in WW2 game


Yeah online play autism is a fascinating bucket of crabs. Doesn't help that every group has completely different ideas on what's allowed and/or balanced, with completely different banlists. But, it's not the only complicated thing. While most of the basic mechanics are pretty straightforward, there's plenty of mechanics that make no sense and have to be just memorized. Shit like submarines being more effective if they cannot detect themselves. Combat width in general. Farming leader traits. How adding tank destroyers can make a unit worse at fighting tanks. Everything about the ship designer, but especially how it turns historically very successful designs into something completely unusable. How hastily built ports negate all supply issues at coastal regions but inland gets shafted. How there's several mechanics only one nation per faction gets to enjoy (spymaster shit). And especially how the game teaches you to abuse the AI, even in player versus player.

>check random youtube naval warfare tutorial
>its 51minute long

you'll be lost for a few games, dont just jump into mp, but the game is pretty easy after you learn the basic, spam 16-22 widths shitties to hold the lines and have a shitton of tanks and planes, works out better than it should.

Spam destroyers with the cheapest components except for 1 advanced torpedo and CL's with literally all slots on escort cruisers guns if your country can afford it have 2-5 CA's/BB and 4 carriers with the fleet ( if you go above 4 carriers they become dogshit )

You can play as the greatest mass murderer in human history

Attached: evil incarnate.jpg (640x814, 34.14K)

Thats not ghengis khan

>not playing as sigma mosley

having to fight all colonies is the worst


explain, im historylet

It's not murder when they aren't humans, user.

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How about scout ships, do the cheap cruisers / DDs spot well enough or is there room for specialized radar / plane catapult scout ships?

from my experience catapult scout planes and dedicated anti sub stuff is kinda bad, do add sonar 2 to the destroyer youre spamming usually you have cruisers and dd's at the start of the game with sub charges, if youre not britain who already starts with radar its kinda hard to find a place to really research it

Not really.. it gets extreme boring once you figure it out... It may look complicated on surface but the game is not very deep deep or reaslistic.

The current naval meta rests entirely on a single stats: a ship's Speed.
Speeds give you spotting, so you can find the enemy.
Speed lets you evade enemy fire, so you can take enemy ships 10 to 1 while your enemies gasp at you and say "H-hayai"
Speed lets you chase ships, so they cannot get away even if they decide they cannot win.

The only ship you need to make in a single player game is a light cruiser with good engine, no armor, 1 catapult(for spotting) and the rest light guns(the good one).

For multiplayer, the meta is the exact same ship except you give it a medium gun on the main slot(so it's classified as a capital). And then you add a bunch of naked destroyers to the formation which are effectively your task force's armor. Entirely disposable. So you need to make a whooping two types of ships.

Next DLC will have a naval rework so it might change up a bit. I think the new maritime patrol ships will be good enough that you don't need to worry about having spotting on your navy itself, but nobody knows at this point.

Makes sense, thanks. One last question. I like the idea of making fast commerce raiders, too stealthy/fast to get caught by low tech patrol fleets. Are those even theoretically possible? I did try subs with snorkels, but those died instantly to airplanes, figured surface raiders would be more durable and able to fit AA

What counters speed? Nothing?

I have nearly 6000 hours. Please don't start.

speed you raelly can only fight fire with fire

Its not very realistic
there's a "war support" stat but it doesnt really do anything. you can get 1 million men encircled and taken prisoner and it wont move. it would be more realistic if countries faced internal unrest after losing many troops.

See Those light cruisers can convoy raid better than any sub. They get chip damage though so you need to send them to repair every now and then.
They will also sink any escorts they find without effort too. A sufficiently large stack of these ships can beat the main navy of a major with minimal losses, too.

Absolutely nothing. Isn't that lovely?
Well actually there's one thing: Minelaying. When you mine a sea region, you force ships to go slow over that area. But who the hell minelays?

If you're too lazy to play the naval game at all, just build Naval Bombers. They completely invalidate any need to sink enemy ships, and for a fraction of the price. But if you go down this path you likely will want to go down the Paratrooping path since it's so much harder to get naval invasions.

Attached: d day ships.jpg (900x553, 49.1K)

I guess you could fit dd's with little as possible and add AA on top but thats basically what youre already doing on them by default to max their speed. I feel like subs are kinda bad in vanilla.

You should not build a navy at all. Building thousands of tactical bombers with their specific doctrine will quite literally wipe the UK and US navies out in the English Channel in a year. Once their navies are dead, you can use your minimal navy that has not been altered since 1936 to achieve naval superiority in the English Channel and win.

3 > DH > 2 > 1 > 4

>all this autism with the army groups and plans

this cunt for sure realized after the 3rd hour all you need to do in hoi4 is draw a line till the ural, press engage, sit back and jerk off to brazilian tranny porn
autism rp fags should go back and play hoi3 black ice

Here is how you learn HoI4.
>Buy HoI3
>Give up because its too difficult
>Get HoI4 learn it quickly because its a lot simpler

>black ice
Black Ice is fucking shit and anyone who recommends it should have their head cut off by islamic militants in the syrian desert

>paying more than twice the price of the base game for DLCs

Who is buying Paradox games anyway?

Destroyers are not effective raiders, you want cruisers.
If you want to be real smug you can make raiding Battle Cruisers. Despite being heavy ships you can make go at 40 kts and will sink escorts with the same ease and the light cruisers. But they cost so much more and aren't as good at fighting actual navies.

If you're being pragmatic, the best way is to use Naval Bombers and Port Strike doctrine, since it has bonuses for these planes even if they are land based.
You can do it with Tactical or even CAS but they will take much heavier losses. And CAS is just better at fighting the land game.