Half the game is shit

>half the game is shit
>millennials still call it a masterpiece because they played it as kids

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Dark Souls all over again where people pretend one segment makes up 50% of the game

wouldnt say half the game is bad.
the island on the other hand...

>The Island
>Half the game

I played it for the first time relatively recently and I still think it's fantastic. The Island does kind of blow, though

People keeping aping this "island LE BAD" bullshit without ever giving a single rational arguement for it. It has become fucking habit for idiots to repeat this sentiment without having a clue as to why they think this besides the meme.

Attached: ohmygod.jpg (600x300, 27.54K)

Most of the castle is shit too

too loud and the music sucks, the enemies aren't very interesting or fun to fight, doesn't look particularly nice either
I ran through most of it and ignored enemies when I could, just wasn't a fun area

>gets this on PC a decade ago
>no mouselook
>never touch the game again

More like you choose to ignore what you don't agree with, you honestly think everyone who dislikes the island doesn't have one argument against it?

You're entitled to your opinion and I can't fault you for thinking this. But what the fuck? I don't get how there is any problem with the music or ?loudness?. The enemies are just as varied and unique on the island as compared to other areas, think of the minigun dudes, gasmask guys with cattleprods, regenerators etc. Doesn't look very nice? What do you want, I don't get this either. If you ran past the enemies then I guess you just didn't enjoy the core gameplay of the whole shabang, I mean you've shot dudes the entire game and if you don't like that then what the hell, and if you say the game is too long then thats on you. The game keeps its quality, not once does the game cease being a survival horror game with emphasis on blasting dudes away with epic guns and kickflips.

The island isn't half the game, nor is it "shit", it's more just mediocre compared to the kino of the castle and the village.

I just think the previous areas had the right balance of action and exploration, the game was always good at giving you a little space to breathe after some action, but the island feels more like a Michael Bay movie and the guy with the miniguns are what I'm talking about
the regenerator sections are good though, won't argue against that

do you seriously believe I don't think people have their reasons? thats retarded. I'm just tired of people parroting this shit without giving a good reason for it. I can't think of a single thing the island does which isn't keeping in spirit with the rest of the game. My favorite part is the village, but I don't dislike the island. The main reason it isn't quite as good is because you tend to get OP at the end but this only affects people good at the game (i.e. me) and if you wanna negate that then do a challange run. the island is just as good as the rest of the game (in my opinion, of course) and I certainly don't feel as if the game is frontloaded as games usually are nowadays. it feels as if the developers really put as much thought and effort and budget into the late game as the earliers bits, cool bosses, unique enemies and assets, epic set pieces, puzzles, treasures, guns etc. i believe people dont like the island because its the end of the game and either there's nothing else to build up to or because they've gotten tired of the game at this point and want it to be over and thats no fault of the game itself. but go ahead and give me a reason Im all ears

>or because they've gotten tired of the game at this point and want it to be over
the reason people feel this way at the island specifically is because it's no longer doing anything you haven't seen before, it's when the game seems to stop evolving and decides to just throw enemies at you without as much care as previous encounters / levels

Well you said they don't have a single rational argument so yes I think it was a pretty loaded statement. I think it's perfectly reasonable to dislike the island because it's near the end of the game, you've got all your weapons already, your upgrades are starting to end, you're at full health, you don't need as much gold, and you know you're not going to see anything fundamentally new with the game. Same general enemies (random mooks, bigger guys with more health, ranged enemies) and the new ones are underused in my opinion, you only have to fight what 2-3 regenerators before you get their counter. I love the game and it's not like I hate the island or anything, I just think there's an actual reason for why it's so commonly disliked rather than because people will parrot what they hear on here

i get you and I respect that sentiment. the island is a step up in pace and action but I like that since it is the climax of the game and leon is fucking jacked with adrenaline and murdur boners so from here on out he goes on a rambo killing spree, doing the epic knife fight with krauser straight out of shwarzenegers Commando. This is just what i appreciate with RE4. the game shifts in tone from spooky farms and barns, into a dumb haunted castle scooby doo session and thusly into a firey michael bay fest complete with american super hero bullshit. the game includes everything and doesn't feel the same all throughout without ever changing the core gameplay loop of suplexes and headshoting

>too loud
Turn the volume down then motherfucker
>music sucks
it has the best theme in the game
Even if you don't like it. It doesn't play ALL the time.
>the enemies aren't very interesting or fun to fight
If you don't think Regenerators are fun then that's fine, but they are at the very least interesting. They challenge and scare you in all the ways RE4 allows you to.
The guy said no one argues why. And you answer and don't argue why.

>popular... BAD! XD
You will never have a real personality.
This is why nobody likes you.

the game is doing things you haven't seen yet I am tired of repeating this. and once again the game is at an end, it can't keep reinventing itself every hour or establish new mechanics. the island is full of unique more action fulled sections with fit right at home in the game compared to earlier areas and they are crafted with just as much care. At least this is all in my opinion. the developers didn't run out of budget IMO and kept thinking out of novel ideas which stands out to the aesthetics and tempo of the village and castle.

i said so because people never fucking elaborate on this and just throw it out without good reasons as if everyone knows telepathy. yeah like i said i think people dislike it because it is at the end of the game and naturally they've got all their guns upgraded, health upgraded and don't need much money anymore. That is unavoidable, every game needs an ending unless its bleeding minecraft and you can't keep upgrading shit forever unless its destiny. yeah the game doesn't give you as much new shit but it still does so a lot, the island has plenty of rooms and enemy placements unique to it, such as the truck section, lava room section, regenerators, the helicopter section and the intensive krauser and IT fights right ontop of each other. if they hadn't made new shit exclusively for the island people would be complaining about the island being the same as everything else which it isn't except in the sense that you're still shooting zombies and doing one liners. they could easily have placed island assets throughout the rest of the game and it would have fit in but if they had it wouldn't have been "new" assets. and i know this is too much to ask of people because it'd mean they'd have to think for themselves but simply don't pick up the thermal sight or don't do a rifle build? I've done so and it forces you to approach regenerators quite differently

Bullet spongy enemies and helmets. That's it, those are my main gripes with the island.

Island isn't bad. Don't know why it's so hated.

It’s the least interesting part of the game, with the most gimmicky areas filled with guys with hitscan weapons, and it takes place right around the time most people are starting to get bored of the core gameplay. It’s not really a bad section, but at the same time it always feels like a slog compared to the rest of the game.

>hitscan weapons
lol no all projectiles travel to hit you

Yeah, it's definitely the worst but I still wouldn't call it bad.
Absolute shit taste, it's the best part.

Minigun Giganigga's.

Everyone says everything after the village is shit, but I liked the village the least. I liked the castle more and I fucking loved the island. Eat shit cunt.

Castle > Village > Island

the castle has the most backtracking and lame sections such as playing as ashley and the piss easy invisible bugs. also the pristine architecture of everything jars with leon blasting bullets everywhere and blowing shit up with grenades and every room looks the same.

the ones who can't aim for shit and have to do an obviously telegraphed start up animation and a big dumb arc before shoting at you?