What went wrong with runescape?

what went wrong with runescape?

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shitty and greedy publisher ruining the best sandbox mmo

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I just tried getting back into this and hot damn is OSRS overhyped.
How the fuck is RS3 so much more enjoyable?

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Jagex changed the game to cater to their audience of people who don't actually like RPGs

The inevitable forward march of progress
People unironically expected them to just leave the game as is when they didn’t even do that with rsc
Jagex also made the horrible mistake of letting their brainless mutant player base decide what does and does not make it in game


fire cape/fury was the beginning of the end for RS2's power creep
return to 05

Basically this, I don't mind that Jagex has added content to the game, but letting the players choose turned out to be a pretty bad method.

Having to hit a 75% threshold for new content means that only the most safe, inoffensive content can be released, whereas cool expansions (like new skills, such as Sailing) have little to no chance of passing. This also makes it hard for Jagex to balance the game when an issue of that kind comes up.

Having an open line of communication with the players can be helpful, but near-total democracy doesn't work for an MMO.

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We have to go back.

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Unironically reddit, Jagex goes there for site feedback and even costumer support instead of their own fucking site.

Catering to autistic retards

Should I play OSRS or RS3?
I'll be playing on a tablet as well as PC


Sorry you enjoyed standing around hoping someone saw your gay animated rainbow colored message

they tried some faggotry to stop botting and gold farming, it failed and alienated the community, the player count dropped harshly, it got sold and then all the devs left, then it got scooped up by milkers and scalpers, then the new staff were all from the shitty current generation where emotions and specific physical attributes are more important than logic or competence, and here we are
its like warhammer 40k in that it gets more ridiculous the long it goes but unlike 40k it doesn't have a backbone to support the massive tumorous growth that has built up around it

Osrs is still the better choice despite the near abysmal state of it
It has enough old content to be enjoyable before you run face first into all the newer shit

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lost touch with its tabletop rpg roots so now they can't decide if they want to be a big fantasy epic or a shitty esport

Also the OSRS devs are faggot incompetents and giving the playerbase any say in the game was a fucking mistake

Unironically reddit. You don't let the uninformed masses dictate how the game should be, they'll inevitably ruin because they don't know what's good for them.

>not having a friends list full of trading buddies
as expected of a GE zoomer i suppose

Too bad sailing was always a joke even to the point of being an aprils fools one
Might have been cool to have your own but honestly the ships already present in game aren’t anything to write home about

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Reddit is the biggest online community for OSRS discussion and they're full of trannies and neoliberal faggotry. Connect the dots

real money gambling, trying to copy WoW
getting rid of trading posts for the grand exchange, letting bots hide behind instanced bosses

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Convenience over community, like every MMO

G.E. destroyed trading and empowered botting

Changes to drop tables to make it easier to play ironmen ruined trade skill profits

New bosses are all instanced garbage, which makes it easier to bot farm and harder to claim as a clan.

being 30+ years old in a midlife crisis unhappy with your failed life and being desperate for 13 year old you nostalgia.

sucks about bots but normal players being cuckolded by clans they want nothing to do with is the gayest shit ever

I enjoy runescape and think it has a fun world and quests to do. I just wish Smithing wasnt shit

Content just slowed down. They still haven't finished the fucking gnome/penguin quest in ANY of the games

Honestly in the modern age, if the g.e. hadn't became a thing, people would have just exclusively started using 3rd party clients to make a psuedo-g.e.

It has nothing to do with the updates for stuff like that, it's entirely just the community mentality shifting since the mid 2000s