Monster hunter sunbreak

Why is greatsword so fun?

Attached: Great-Sword.png (885x878, 242.21K)

It's no since TCS and shoulder tackle changed the playstyle to whiffing m9ves on purpose

This but with SnS in every game

Attached: 87417F6D-DB07-4B30-AB10-B34D24E41D04.jpg (1242x1252, 691.94K)


is the charm reset thing legit or I shouldn't bother?

Attached: 1658390317374233.jpg (400x400, 38.02K)

>every game
2nd gen SnS is painful

Works wonders, I'd hurry in case they patch it in the upcoming TU.

Just cheat a charm in directly if you're gonna bother going extra autistic over it

Unironically skill issue.

It just feels like moveset bloat, GS was at its most fun when it has one swing that can be charged along with a circular swing and an upslash, that's it

No one's stopping you from still playing it like that.

>turn off damage numbers immediately from the start before a single hunt
this was such a good decision, I don't give a shit about DPS I just use what I want and have fun

>It is since surge slash changed the playstyle to swaxe without gay meter management

lmao even

>meter management

That still does the exact same damage as always if you really want. Draw attack was only weaker for the launch patch of World until they un-nerfed it with the Kulve patch.

>spending half an hour per quest is fun
i want reddit to leave

I really don't fond any weapons fun anymore besides gun lance. I just went back to second generation and all of the weapons are fun again. Why is this?

If turning off the damage numbers makes you that bad at the game then I think you are in the wrong place.

>2nd gen
lol who gives a fuck about that shit

>he needs numbers to tell if he's doing damage