Lowest evo viewership by FAR

>Lowest evo viewership by FAR
Should have known your place and shown Nintendo some fucking respect. This shithole event was always carried by smash.

Attached: file.png (513x567, 378.12K)

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Why is any company allowed to tell you when, how, and under what circumstances you can play their game? Overthrow capitalism

Why do you need Nintendo's authorization to host it?

>Overthrow capitalism
Copyright allows this.

Because it's THEIR game?

This just BTFO's physical cucks.

>buy physical copy of game
>Nintendo can still prevent you from playing it however you want

>no more smelly smash tards

>he's still playing smash

Attached: 314.jpg (500x375, 36.09K)

>He thinks possessing a physical copy of the game means he "owns" it

Attached: file.png (500x500, 248.52K)

>he's playing garbage shovelware clones like multiversus

man that DK art fucking sucks, what were they thinking

>he's afraid

Attached: 1659120522638038.jpg (850x548, 145.31K)

I thought they pulled Smash from EVO due to the Summer of scandals where all Smash players got outed as groomers and kiddy diddlers

smashsissie still seething they got benched for multiversus huh?
cant expect lil niggas to recognize the good ass matches we had all weekend when they watch more than they play lmao

There was no one there besides daigo and tokido. Where was Justin wong? Yipes? Some random dude name idom nearly won

You can host it, but you can't make any revenue off of it. Evo is now Sony owned and they run ad breaks every 5 minutes so Nintendo pulled out.

Multiversus wasn't even an official event, just a side event. Evotrannies are funny though
>Haha look at this side event that mogged our entire main lineup, feeling scared yet smashies??

Weird how the side event made it onto one of the main stages.

smash pedo seething

Care to point out where Multiversus is under their official events then?

>one of the main stages
There is only one main stage retard. Stages 2-8 are for where they run pools. It was ran on stage 4.

Why can't you make money off of it? Can you not make money off playing with a basketball you bought? Can you not make money off a paint brush you bought?

I find it really funny how Ultimate was only there for a single year but it managed to take top viewership in Evo history regardless

Same reason why you can't buy a movie and restream it for personal profit, user.

Because Americans are cucked by corporations and vidya isn't protected by the same public event and viewership laws that tabletop games are.

So you don't actually own the games you buy physically?

You own the game
You just don't own the ability to host events for it or your own footage of yourself playing it or the ability to modify it. that's nintendo's property sweaty.