Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Has A Non-Binary Character And You Need To Get Over It

>Not a day goes by where I don’t stumble upon something that convinces me that video games were a mistake. It’s a medium like no other - where small vocal minorities of notable bigots are happy to harass developers, belittle any representation beyond straight white men, and send me death threats on Twitter whenever they disagree with me. They’ve done that a few times with Xenoblade, so this article will go down well.

>I wrote about Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and how it does away with its predecessor’s often cringe-inducing fan service for a far more consistent aesthetic. No longer are dramatic moments watered down by the addition of boobs, butts, and jokes. Don’t be mistaken. I adore this game and how unapologetically horny it tends to be, even more so on a platform that is infamously prudish when it comes to anything outside its family friendly image. It’s a great game, but its identity suffered as a consequence of its weird sexualisation.

>Anyway - let’s get to the point. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 has a non-binary supporting character known as Juniper. This mint-haired archer acts as commander of one of the game’s many colonies and has mint-hair, good morals, and a cool as hell outfit. It also becomes clear in early glimpses of dialogue that their character goes by ‘They/Them’ pronouns.



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This is the 500th time we've had this thread. Kill yourself

Oh thank christ someone made another post complaining about this, I thought we were done for a second

Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Has A Female Character That Got Incorrectly Translated In The Western Version And You Need To Get Over It Also Why Do Faggots Journos Type Article Titles Like This Check My Five

NEVER underestimate a snoy's autism.

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They never reveal her gender in the english dub actually. Even uber woke Tv Tropes relented and say Yuzuriha is ambiguous, not non-binary.

Reminder to filter tran, tranny, trannies, troon, etc. so you don't have to see this shit over and over again

Stop posting your shitty article, tranny

devs came out and said she isn't lgbthiv+

Wow Japanese fans are vocal about the new Xenoblade and they are NOT happy. They're discontented with the way the game has so many cutscenes and the long opening sequence. I guess they were holding out hope for a videogame route. There's even a petition that's garnered thousands of signatures to have the game changed. Obviously that wont happen but it shows how unhappy they are.

Does the game come in English only?

inb4 over 100 samefag replies

>English is a mistake
What else is new?

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>XC3 and Pokemon have canon trannies
Any Forumsintendo is of course ok with this and they on full-defense mode but if Sony and MS had trannies they will pretend they hate woke games

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>you need

Journo waste of life losers like this should stop telling people what to do.


Western journos seriously need to fucking end themselves

>introduce a character whose main damage source is murdering launched characters
>Before launch is even available

S/he never had a chance literally nobody uses Xer when you can just use autist old man.

Every Day is Repost Day

I think OP is a baiting faggot looking to stir up shit.

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Or I just won't buy it.
I was perfectly fine not getting Rune Factory 5, this will be the same.
Agitprop doesn't work on me (or anyone).

I think I'm not going to click on your article you subhuman nigger. Fuck off and die.

>playing in English
You should have learned Japanese years ago, anons
Translation is pozzed inherently, the only way to avoid it is to go straight to the source in the native language

>author insults XC2 for normalfag reasons like muh fanservice
>doesn't know that there was an actual trap blade in it
Also kill yourself OP.