I feel nothing but disdain towards any retard who complains about Elden RIng's late game being too hard and unfair or...

I feel nothing but disdain towards any retard who complains about Elden RIng's late game being too hard and unfair or that the player character is too slow.

You clearly only played Dark Souls 3 and don't realize that it was the easiest from software game and that it breast feeds you with the most ridiculously broken melee arsenal in the entire franchise while also having the worst build variety of all of the From Software games.

Go play DS1 and DS2 because you look like a complete moron who doesn't have a clue what you are talking about.

Pic completely unrelated.

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I agree. All of the enemies still died pretty quickly, and I don't think there was ever a moment that I felt was bullshit outside of how much Malenia heals.

But DS1 is the only good souls game, up to and including Elden Ring. Demons Souls, of course, is a separate series and amazing game on its own right.

You clearly don't lurk Elden Ring-focused communities where anyone who talks bad about it's late game has their dick sucked into another dimension. And you don't even have to go that far, just search "Elden Ring late game" on youtube and most non-guide videos are about complaining it's too hard.

I literally beat the final five bosses on my first try, though I did kill Malenia first before tackling the end game which cost me like 15 attempts. ER is easy as fuck thanks to spirit ashes.

1 > 3 > ER = BB > 2 > DeS
Fuck open world

I love my wife Ranni!

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don't care, still marrying ranni.

Unironically, Malenia and the Fire Giant are the only bosses that I genuinelly think are terribly designed and genuine trash.

Malenia forces your hand into summoning other players (otherwise you better sit down and try hundreds of times to beat her) and Fire Giant has trash hitbox and weak points.

Even without spirit ashes, the game is incredibly easy compared to BB or Sekiro.

Althought I'd disagree with your ranking, cuz I genuinelly hate Dark Souls 3 and think it's the worst souls game, it should have been a Bloodborne sequel, not a Dark Souls one.

If you are having trouble with her, Tiche makes Malenia extremely easy. I always use her on NG+ stuff.
She also chunks Fire Giant's HP.

But then again Tiche nukes any boss out of existance, genuinelly broken Ash.

And even then if you don't play aggressive you will lose because Malenia will always win the war of attrition.

Yeah, Malenia highly encourages aggression since she's easily staggered and heals off of hits.
As for Tiche, I think the only boss she has issues with is Hoarah Loux and his AoE spam. Only one of her dodges has i-frames, so she just gets completely fucked up. Every other boss gets demolished. Imagine if upgrading her also gave her the judgement cut her mom had?

DS1 and DS2 are piss easy compared to late game elden ring. you can literally just play DS1/DS2 with whatever loadout you want and it's fun.

DS1 & DS2 are Dark Souls games.

DS3 is a Bloodborne sequel in everything but name and quality.

Elden Ring is the true Dark Souls 3, it feels much more of a natural continuation to it than DS3 can ever hope to be.

Maybe I'm retardedly biased because I have around 600 hours on DS1, 2000+ hours on DS2 and I could barely muster any energy to play DS3 past the 100 hour mark.

shit game,clunky and artificial difficulty. it wasn't really hard just tedious and annoying. I played this for the exploration

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DS3 is honestly too easy to replay over and over. I still think sullyvahn through soul of cinder is a really cool string of bosses, one of the best ever.

Agreed, but that's why I feel like it's the actual Dark Souls 3 rather then DS3 itself.

>Artificial difficulty
I don't know, I think very few bosses felt like they were forcing my hand into cheesing or overleveling.

>Isn't really hard
Agreed, the game is as hard as it needs to be, I'd say it isn't hard enough in most situations.

Soul of Cinder, Nameless King and Gael are the only memorable bosses from DS3, everything else is a blur for me since I bought the game and beat it it in one day and then just fried my brain on NG+ and PVP. Genuinelly the easiest Souls game to finish since it just stuffs your ass with ridiculously OP stuff.

Every boss feels so fucking underdesigned and weak that I'm baffled they got past QA.

Ranni simps' opinions are not valued

for me the exploration was probably at it's weakest of any fromsoft games, at least in the open world. not enough side dungeons, lame rewards, too many catacombs, few caves and mines, repeat encounters, etc, etc.
don't agree on the clunkiness and difficulty part, though i've played these games since DS1 so i'm probably used to the sometimes odd enemy attacks/hitboxes and other weird bugs while traversing. i'd consider ER as one of from's more polished games, right after Sekiro.