Ocarina of Time

It's not bad, but it's not one of the greatest games of all time.

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It's pretty great though and somehow better than all the copycat games after MM. From WW-SS they created cheap copies that failed to capture OOT's magic.
They had to have done something right

you're right botw is the greatest game of all time

It definitely is one of the greatest. Even if most of its mechanics have been outperformed by modern games, it still remains one of the most lovingly crafted and charming games ever made. There's a memorable moment like every 10 minutes.

>I just played some of it on emula0r and want to judge
Yea I did too but I also played it on N46. The game had literally zero glitches which greatly surprised me. You could never see through walls no matter how hard you tried. Because SuperMario64 (and other games) was a glitchfest. On emulator you can see through walls everywhere. It's not the same.

When it came out, it wasnt even a contentious question which was the game of all time. It was zelda ocarina of time. For its time and era, it is the single most praised game. This is wh it remains at the top of list. No other game came out with so much reverence and so much influence at once.

timeless my ass. the only reason people still play this game these days is to abuse glitches.

yeah because Majora's Mask is infinitely better in absolutely every single way zero contest whatsoever and dare I say it might even be the closest thing to a perfect game possible

Well, you cant name a better game, so it is.

Ocarina of Time being the greatest game of all time has less to do with how objectively good it is and more to do with the cultural impact and implications of its release and influence.
Sometimes I forget this website is for dumb horny children.

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There are only two good Zelda games, and both are on the NES.
Fuck your N64 3d shit gameplay storytrash.

Is it true harkinian had an update?

Cultural impact is crap. Games have their own value, in case you've forgotten that. What is objectively good is all that matters.

If we're taking into account the impact that both games had on the gaming world, Oot blows botw out of the water.

There was legitimately nothing innovative about botw. It wasn't the first open world game and it isn't even the best of the genre.

I played it and it was completely forgettable. I actually can't remember a single thing about it.

I liked it so therefore its really fucking good

Play candy crush on your phone.

how d are you to be thinking like this

*old fuck you I'm not deleting the post for this

I've never truly enjoyed the Zelda series at all and all of the games in it I have played I have never completed yet gotten close (Wind Waker, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess) or just sort of felt like I never wanted to touch it again after completing (OoT).

BotW's weapon degradation system and lack of real feeling dungeons is pretty much the entire reason why I've never had an interest in it.