Anyone going to get this game?

Anyone going to get this game?

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Thinking of pirating it for now and buying later if it's good

Cult of the lamb, if anyone is asking

Probably. The demo looked pretty fun and the game itself looks super cute

I was looking forward to it, when it was announced. But after trying the demo, I'm not so sure anymore. The gameplay was really, really basic. And the base management wasn't really well represented in the demo either.

What are you even doing in this game?

Looks like a fun waste of time.

Yes. Demo was great and love small town builders

most likely, demo was good

I don't play video games.

why jump through these hoops when steam already lets you refund with no effort?

it started with decent hack and slash. I quit because I don't want to be a satanic faggot cultleader.

I'd be interested if it lasted longer, but the developers confirmed that the whole game lasts only around 15 hours, and after that the only thing you can do is replay the same old stages with no changes except enemies having more health and damage.
When streamers got their early preview, they managed to beat half the game and get more than half of the unlockables within the first 2 hours. Doesn't help that the developers also want to release paid DLC as soon as possible.
TLDR: Pirate or wait for a sale, not worth it full price.

I mean, you're a regular faggot right now, so it wouldn't be a big stretch

You are amazing at projection. Sadly it's the only thing you are good at.

15 hours for the story seems pretty decent for the price with the ability to continue doing roguelike stuff, thats a pleasant surprise

It's 15 hours if you take your sweet ass time doing the story and spend a lot of time taking care of the cult. It's closer to 5 hours if you just do the story and nothing else.

oh thats fine, i wasnt really interested in the game for the story anyways just liked the aesthetic, roguelike and management parts, sweet deal

Steam allows a refund only if you've played less than 2 hours, it may take me more to draw a conclusion so I don't want to risk it

I'll probably pirate it. Wasn't impressed by the demo.

yeah the 2hr limit always seemed weird but i feel like if youre playing something for 2hrs and you arent enjoying it or you dont even know if youre having fun you probably have thousands of better options rather than forcing yourself down the same path