As someone who didn't touch shadowlands, should I consider coming back for dragonflight?

as someone who didn't touch shadowlands, should I consider coming back for dragonflight?

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It offers literally nothing new to the RPG genre.

Go play BG3 instead.

No. Shadowlands proved they are creatively bankrupt. The most recent patch is literally a maintenance mode patch.

should've stopped at wrath and never looked back

nah, there's nothing that makes it any better than BfA/Shadowlands

No, they still haven't removed addons, flying, and wow tokens.

only people that will be playing this train wreck are the hopeless addicts
t. hopeless addict

I'm with you, also there are so few interesting games on the horizon that it makes even a mediocre WoW expansion release sound like a fun time.

no. cata killed the game for me, I got tricked by wod like many others and haven't played a new expansion since.
I will be playing wotlk classic.

dps so bad you can't get into parties, eh user? dont worry, you can do it.

>boasting about virtual number adequacy to justify self-worth
ok tranny how's the t-level reduction going

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Game is garbage and DF looks to be continuing that trend

just make your own parties user, im sure a bunch of people will leave when they realize how shit you are but im sure you can find some people on your level eventually.

I'm glad you found an image that speaks to your life user!

Yeah bro, the DPS meter is the problem, not the air ride sirens, countdowns, and distance graphs that are required because Blizzard actually balances all the bosses around that shit.

say youve never touched a raid without saying youve never touched a raid.

More lgbtq propaganda than ever. Dragon race models look like shit. Last expansion was absolutely terrible. I'd say pass on this shit show. Maybe they'll recover next expansion

I was raiding in Molten Core in early 2005. Sit down, child.

just play turtle wow

hahahaha calm down there grandpa, those raids could be beaten with a pack of wild monkeys.

which i suppose explains your post.


yeah bro, do the 12 month sub. dont forget to buy some store mounts as well.

And? You still haven't justified why having to download third party AI to play the game for you is good.

pretty sure i implied that it wasn't. not shocked to see your reading comprehension is as atrophied as your gaming ability.

>say addons bad
>"No you're just bad. I'm good because I download scripts that play the game for me"
Relax bro, not even sure why you're upset.

They've already nerfed the most interesting new feature so no.

oh sorry perhaps you missed my message, it was this one which implied that you have never touched a raid in your life, thus implying that you had no idea what you were talking about.
i should have realized you needed to have things pointed out to you very clearly due to your condition, my apologies.

I don't get the setting. The aspects lost a huge amount of their power when they energized the dragon soul so they've basically become irrelevant. What even happened to that version of the dragon soul? Did they put it back near the well of eternity in the past? Would it still have the same level of power?

Even the worst WoW expansion is fun for the better part of a month, then you drop it and go do something else. On a playtime-per-dollar basis it's probably a better bargain than many AAA games these days.