What was his problem?

What was his problem?

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He's a robot

hes the real sonic

I think mecha sonic looks way cooler. How come they never brought him back?

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He's a metallic schizo with identity issues
>literally killed by base form knuckles
No amount of looking cool can recover from this

Idk man classic knux was a real one
also metal has been a jobber ever since cd and honestly mecha would be too if Sonic team brought him backm

There is only one Sonic-nic-nic.


He doesn't have one.
Metal did nothing wrong.

He's the real Sonic

>He's a metallic schizo with identity issues
This idea honestly needed a deeper dive.
If something like SA3 or a similarly story-heavy game ever comes out, I think they should try this again. Heroes was not enough.

He's just as stoic as sonic but he has a lust for battle. This is what has drove him mad.

>Built to beat Sonic
>Beating Sonic is impossible because that would mean Eggman wins
>Metal therefore is a eternal jobber

Jobs to wisps and comic OCs

Imagine being born and believing you are who you've always known yourself to be and someone comes along claiming to be you and having every fiber of your body telling you to kill them so you can gain your sense of worth.

probably that was his problem

>No amount of looking cool can recover from this
tell that to metal sonic

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It's implied he was the one setting up those hologram things (they stop apeparing in stagees after you beat him) so he wasn't COMPLETELY useless.

Metal Sonic himself only appeared in two games. Generally, I'd imagine it has to do with how Metal Sonic looks a lot closer to Sonic than Mecha Sonic does. Also to my knowledge, Mecha Sonic never really received any high-quality art.

Specs-wise, I think Metal Sonic was better? It could actually keep up with Sonic in terms of speed and also create an impenetrable force field around itself.

Metal Sonic can't take the speeds he reaches, him slamming into a wall is how he almost fucking died, whenever Sonic does the same thing he just gets back up a second later completely unharmed (assuming he doesn't just smash straight through the wall).

built without cock and balls