Game has random encounters

>Game has random encounters.

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around fats, dont relax

>when the father looks at his child's face and sees that the woman gouged his kid's eye out
>goes fucking MANMODE
>but then pisses out because ahh knife scary
terrible dad

>>but then pisses out because ahh knife scary
Yeah, should have totally run into the knife and died on the spot.

I have zero faith in the court system is 2022. I would have killed the bitch with her own knife

better dad alive than dead

>he cant overpower a 300 pound waddling fat ass
You guys are less than men. Like kick her once and she'll fall over. Jesus christ

that bitch should be dead
this is why dudes shouldn't be s0iboiz

>character gets wounded as HP goes down

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You underestimate the mass difference. He'll meed to go for her knees and no one is thinking straight if they aren't regularly fighting.

>someone physically attacks your child
>literally just stand there

She's too fat to have mobility. At least he could've searched around for a rock or anything to hit her with or throw at her and harangue her ass. Force her to move, she gets tired in 1 minute.

You've never talked to a person outside of reddit.

Bro, there are literally a dozen of points on your body where a knife will literally one-shot you. You NEVER attack into a knife.

I thought the saying was around blacks, don't relax

>game lets you make friends

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Remember kiddos, always keep AT LEAST a knife on you, in case some fucking nut job has a knife. Then you can stab em back.

cant wait til it becomes legal to slaughter fags again

So find something else if you're too much of a puss to tackle an obese woman with probably zero hand-eye coordination or stamina. He just lets her waddle away like a cuck.


Do these people still get the sexual pleasure from this after the act is over and they get home and try to sit down?

>terrified of some fat bitch
talking about yourself?

Honestly good advice. Not gonna lie.

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It's a "fat basement neets tell you how they would have won the fight" episode.

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She stabbed the kids with a box cutter, they both died. She's in jail.

The United States going the way of China and Brazil I see

Tell me what's going on here before a tranny janny kills the thread to make room for the 600000th XC3 thread

>buy those programmer socks as a joke figuring I'll just give them to my gf
>they are actually pretty comfy and she said she likes how they look on me

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Yeah maybe if it was a grown man wielding a machete I would be worried but the lady even move her arm very fast, let alone extend it very far. Could have just kicked her in the ass when was walking away.

>fat retard stabs a kid out of nowhere and then runs off

I have two sons. One of us isn't walking away from there at the very least

Everyone should carry a gun especially parents.

>throw a devastating leg kick to fat bitches knee
>it gives out, she goes down
>begin to go derek vineyard on her skull until you feel it cave into mush
>take kiddos to hospital

I used to carry one on me in highschool because muggers picked on school kids and i was among the shortestin my class, thankfully i never got mugged but i did get into an altercation with a thug wannabee faggot who wanted me to get out of the way as i waited transportation, stood my ground and dared him to throw hands and he pussied out.

Never bring a knife to a gun fight.
Bring a gun.
>b-but what about
Bring a gun.

This was a fight?

I think I’m gonna need an article

Bro, you don't get into hand to hand with a fucking knife. Literally dying and leaving your kid fatherless is being a terrible dad.

its eastern europe.

>gouged kids eyes out
looks like she just boxed their ears

>Eastern Yurope

>he's too scared to throw down after some 400 pound whale slices his kids face with a 2 inch box cutter
Absolute fucking STATE of the modern man
>but I could get heckin cut on my arm a little bit

American phenotype, it’s a cultural export. Whole world is getting fatter now because of the US and its food habits

Take your meds NPC

He didn't need to use his arms. Kicks would have put the least of his vitals in her shit range.

>dude I would easily defeat the knife wielding assailant because I'm an alpha male. I'll just use my elite tacti-ACK

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>Never bring a knife

Why are nips such deviants? Is it sexual repression?

Around chinks never relax

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I don't understand why this is allowed and no one cares.


>The woman is charged with intentional infliction of grave injury to the health of a minor and faces up to ten years in prison.
>up to ten years

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Excuses. You're a fucking coward. Cant overpower a fat hog who just tried to kill your son or at the very least prevent her from fleeing? I understand if it's a 7 foot tall tatted up nigger but you are a failure dude

This isn´t in muttland. Pretty sure it´s in Georgia.

Americans are retarded, if the other guy had a gun he would have been shot dead because he has a fucking knife
>Robber says in a calm manner "Im dead" like a literal npc
The NPC meme is real and americans are retarded.

Veins and arteries are vital and you can bleed to death. Yeah, she's a fat, probably drunk and uncoordinated woman, but all it takes is one good cut or stab to finish you. Don't play with your life when you can just walk away. If she was attacking them with the knife then yeah, he'd have no choice but to fight.

Around fats, carry bats.

It's in Georgia actually, as in the nation south of Russia.
A quick check tells me that the kid was stabbed in the face but survived, the eye doesn't seem to have been damaged.

Also it wasn't a knife but a box cutter not a huge difference but still.

someone give me the rundown before the thread 404s

You're an idiot. Read

This. Only weak men pussy out to fatties, literally just go for the legs and watch em tumble.

Gaki no Tsukai in 2032

Fat Schizo stabs child in the face, child survives with some scars only from what i can tell and landwhale gets only 10 years in prison.

Dont fall for shit bait like that, and if it isnt bait its just an underaged retard

Woman with schizophrenia off her meds, apparently.


Even murder isn't an automatic life sentence. How many years should you get for hurting someone's eye?

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>if the other guy
Not an argument, he had a knife, they didn't. Whatabooters can eat shit. Keep a knife on you always.

You actually think she had a chance of that on a kick with her flabby arms and a box cutter?

> gouged his kid's eye out
It was just a cut in the cheek but yeah, he should have fucking killed that landwhale.

whatever she was paid for that gig couldn't have possibly been enough for the permanent damage that will do to her ass skin and the shame of it all

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>your video
Man with a knife, the earth’s deadliest and most malevolent animal that can kill in seconds
>OP’s video
Woman with a knife, probably couldn’t cut a fucking ham right and probably only successfully hurt the kid by accident

Wow I guess they’re the exact same, imagine being terrified of a female lol. If the state didn’t exist to protect them you could literally go outside and snap females’ necks for fun and they could do nothing to stop you.

I wouldnt relax around either

>"I'M DEAD!"
Lmao, faggot. Have fun in hell

Man, After life has thrown me all kinds of shit, If this sort of thing happened to me, I would fucking attempt to murder whatever fuck challenges me with a weapon.

>and police have not yet found a motive
Probably a hamplanet feeling fatshamed whenever she saw people of a healthier weight and finally had enough of it.

>kick her kneecap
>george floyd her fatass neck
Problem solved

Why are Americans like this?

Depends on the fucking context. I think running around with a fucking knife and randomly stabbing kinds should be enough for a death penalty. Like how are you going to justify that shit in any way?

some people do shit for no reason. sometimes the reason is that theres no reason

3 vidya butts threads died while this was up

Shut the fuck up you fantasizing retard.

>the earth’s deadliest and most malevolent animal that can kill in seconds
That's only if you are trained, the average civilian man can't slap for shit, have you seen street fights? The average non-trained person is fucking embarassing.

People who hurt kids usually get fucked up in prison anyways.

That faggy zoomer "nyaaah" pisses me off so much.

Fuck that. The loser in a knife fight bleeds out in the alley, the winner bleeds out in the hospital. Carry a gun, if a fat bitch tries to cut your kid's face, blow her brains out at a safe distance.

t. lard fat

>The woman is charged with intentional infliction of grave injury to the health of a minor and faces up to ten years in prison.
>10 years max while Chauvin got 22,5

Did I justify it? How did I do that? That was a wild conclusion you made.

>Pick up rock
>Hurl rock at fatass
>Make monkey screams as she falls over and causes the concrete to shatter
ook ook

Good. I hope there aren't any left.

Nonviolent crime first offense : lose a hand or both feet, large fine, and 5 years in prison
Nonviolent crime second offense : lose an entire limb, lose all property, 20 years in prison
Nonviolent crime third offense : execution
Violent crime : execution
Treason, member of organized crime group, or a specially horrific violent crime : torture then public execution
>b-but the criminals’ human rights!
Not my problem. If they want to be treated like people they should act like people. A small price to pay for safe streets.

what is happening

It's Asia

Zoomers are still trying to force this meme?

5 now

Here's a higher quality version of that, friend.

Attached: Screenshot_20220807-222630_Chrome.jpg (956x771, 179.12K)

Now call me crazy but I remember vividly that she gave a reason and it was that she was a massive femenist. She basically wanted to kill the kids to "nip the plague in the bud" or something like that.
Wonder why they removed it.

>incel being delusional again
Touch the grass

Chauvin is an authority, trained to assess health risks as well as security ones. He neglected the health risks of his own maneuvers.

when does that happen? god zoomers are such fucking pussies I hate them so much

That too

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