Who do I save? Kaiden or Ashley?

Who do I save? Kaiden or Ashley?

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Ashley gets bimbofied between 1 and 2. Better to let her die before she can be ruined. Also Kaidan is higher ranking and a space wizard

>Ashley gets bimbofied between 1 and 2

Kaiden is gay and will try to initiate homosex with you and spread monkey pox. He gotta go.

Ashley because Kaidan is useless later game and that's why he needs to die.

She starts questioning Shepard because of his ties with Cerberus which is uncharacteristic of her since she was a pro human in the first game. Also she's voiced by a black woman

Kaiden a shit and useless. Pure soldier Ashley > gayboy

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I wish there was an option to get rid of both. Or better yet, if they just didn't exist. Virmire is such a shit mission anyway, and it was only made because devs are under some weird delusion that narrative choices are in any way fun or interesting.

Kaidan is great for setting up combos in ME3 when paired with my Vanguard Shep

Do you really think I would pass up an opportunity to kill Carth?

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Ashley is a racist and Kaidan gay
That's 2 points for Ash

Rather be a simp or an incel?

Kaiden has a way cooler back story

Ashley fucks krogans and batarians

Ashley so you can cheat on her with Miranda

>Also she's voiced by a black woman
She *is* a black woman

Go back to cawadooty, faggot.

She clearly is quite light-skinned, if not entirely white.

>Vanguard Shep
Haha, gay.

Which choice makes more sense from a logical perspective? If it wasn't about picking favorites, which makes more sense?

Save Kaiden from becoming gay by leaving him on Virmire

Kaiden is higher ranking, a Biotic, and part of your original crew.